Chapter 2

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Sorry if it sounds a little choppy or rushed. I didn't know how much detail I should really put into why Jack is so carefull with her so please comment and let me know if I should add more details.

Chapter 2

I was homeschooled until I turned 6.

When mum and dad found out I was more Time Lord than Human, dad immediately wanted to stay home and raise me. Mum said it was to work on my education, dad said it was to let me experience as much of the wonders growing up as a Time Lord has to offer.

Dad took me all over London, and on the weekend him and mum would take me all over Europe; all the while mum and dad would be telling me all about this universe and the other, about their history, science, etc.

When mum would go to work dad would teach me all about advanced sciences, mathematics, and all about history. Granted history usually was taught during dinner when mum and dad would tell me stories of all the places and times they visited while they traveled on the TARDIS.

By the time I was 5 I knew as much of science and math as some of the 21th century high-school student, actually, I knew a bit more, but according to dad I knew very little compared to a regular Time Lord.

Also about that time mum and dad starting going on ‘trips’ for work, leaving me with gran, gramps, and my uncle Tony (granted he was only a few years older than me).

I hadn’t realized just how different I was until I started spending time with my extended family. The first time I noticed something was when Tony asked if I wanted to play a learning game with him. It was one of those games that helped children learn how to do simple multiplication and division. I found it to be easy and boring and quickly asked him if he had any tools so I could take it apart and try to advance the system. He refused and told me it was difficult enough as it was already.

I went to ask Gran why Tony thought the game was difficult and she told me that I was the only one who saw the fault in it because of my dad. That he was teaching me things too far advanced for my age and continued on a long rant about all the ‘terrible’ things about my father.

The next time was during the summer when Tony and I were playing outside. We dicided that we wanted to freez our pool toys so they would be like ice-cubes for the pool. He wanted to try to fit the toys into the freezer, while I wanted to build a freez gun.

Being a boy he thought my idea was much cooler.

We snuck into the house and took apart the indoor freezer, microwave, and borrowed one of Tony’s play guns. I was just two parts away from finishing it when Gran walked in and started flipping. She immediately took me to Torchwood and had me sit in Gramp’s office until mum and dad could take me home.

Mum and dad weren’t mad, in fact they thought it was hilarious and told me not to be upset. I still was though. In relation to that silly old tale of Adam and Eve I had eaten the apple from the tree of knowledge, and no matter how much I tried I would always know I was different.

Mum had a small apartment she kept in London for when we took trips so that we wouldn’t have to stay in a hotel, Gran and Gramp’s house, or take the next flight back to America.

When we got there I went straight to my room and collapsed backwards onto my bed.

Was I really different? Dad had always said I was special, but then I’d heard Gran say the same thing to Tony. I knew that I knew a lot more on math and science then mum did sometimes, but I thought that was because she hadn’t studied it in so long.

I heard a knock on my door. “Olivia? You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m always alright.” I said towards the door.

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