Chapter 3

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Sorry I took so long to upload and that it's really short. I had a hard time deciding where I wanted to take this chapter but here it is. Will try to upload the next chapter soon.

Chapter 3

“Sorry, what was that?

“Bad Wolf.” I repeated.

“Sorry but what is bad wolf?” Asked the redhead.

“It’s...complicated. Short version: it’s my mother.”

The Doctor finally spoke up. “Yes, your mother. How is she?”

“Well considering you left her on a beach, for the second time, except instead of leaving her alone you left her a human replica of yourself that is slowly dying, and the fact that her only child jump universes and can’t really go back I’d guess she’s doing just fine.”

The Doctor began to fidget while both his companions did a double take between the two of us.

“Yes well...glad we could catch up. By the way....”


“Yes! Olivia, nice name, very original, not too popular. Have you seen something that would help create a port installation inside your head? I must have told you about it, or maybe I didn’t. Hard to tell with humans you know. Anyway it was on space station 5, the first time we went....”

“And mum’s ‘boyfriend’ got himself in trouble and got a device installed in his head so that whenever anyone snapped their fingers around him his head would open revealing his brain.” I laughed.”Yeah no, havn’t seen it.”

“Right then. Jack? How bout you?”

“Top draw. And may I ask who are your new friends?”

“No. Don’t even think about it.” Said the Doctor threatening Jack with a mop. Where’d he even get that?

“Why?” Asked the redhead.

“Yes why Doctor?” He turned to face the redhead. “Hi, Captain Jack Hartness.” He reached out his hand and took hold of hers, offering her a gentleman’s kill on the hand.

She awkwardly smiled. “Um...I’m Amy, and back there’s my husband Rory.” She said gesturing to the man standing awkwardly behind her.

“Yes hello.” He said waving at Jack.

With that big malicious smile he said, “Ah, cute couple, remind me to pass you my number later.” Before Amy and Rory could respond dad jumped out of a huge pile of stuff holding up a small rounded devise.

“Found it! Right then, Jack we’ll be on our way.”

“Oh no you don’t.” I said running towards him before he could even take a step towards the door. “You're not going anywhere just yet. You and I have some business to take care of.”

He looked at me with a stern expression. “I can’t take you back if that’s what you want. It’s amazing you made it through the rift without collapsing both worlds.”

“No, I want you to use that silly contraption of yours inside the TARDIS and change my remaining human DNA to Time Lord DNA.”

He looked puzzled at me.

“That you used one time with Martha Jones. It turned you human for a short time.”

His eyes got wide before he composed himself to a stern look and leaning down so that he was eye level with me.

My head started to spin and the room was getting out of focus. That short dash I made had done it for me. I tried to shake it off and pretend that I was fine.

“Now why should I do that.”

I hoped I was mirroring his expression instead of looking as unsteady as I was beginning to feel. “Because it’s killing me.”

“That’’s impossible. Your more human the Time Lord, your human DNA should be having no effect on your rate of deterioration.”

“Yeah something....went wrong.” I said using my dad’s, the Doctor’s, own words.

I stared at him and him at me for a while. I hoped that he would hurry up. I was beginning to lose all control over my vision which was now starting to go dark.

“Olivia?” I heard Jack ask.

“Olivia are you okay?” Asked the Doctor.

“Yeah.... I’m fine.”

“Olivia what’s wrong?” Asked the Doctor.

“She’s dying, and rather quickly.” Jack answered for me.

“How? Why? How long has this been going on?”

“She only found out two years ago with a time of death to be around the time she would reach 9 or 10. Apparently she’s 3/4th Time Lord and her body is attacking her remaining human DNA like a virus.”

“That’s impossible.”

Then my vision went completely black.

I couldn’t tell if I was still standing, and my hearing was a little off so I could hear people talking but I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

I sighed. This would happen ever so often. My body was beginning to deteriorate now that I was 10, and every so often it would just shut down and I’d wake up a few hours, or a few days, later.

Sure enough I quickly lost consciousness.

I woke up in my bed with a huge headache.

I sat up quickly, making a gasping noise and clutching my head in my hand. I could tell he was in the room because I could smell that familiar scent that I loved so much.

“Olivia. Olivia calm down it’s okay, it’s just a small migraine from a medicine I tried for you so that these won't happen anymore. Just try to relax.

I nodded and took deep quick breaths. My head felt like someone was slowly carving it from the inside out and was going to catch on fire.

A few tears started to roll down my cheeks and to my surprise the Doctor actually bundled me up in his arms and started rocking me back and forth like I was really his daughter.

Of course he wasn’t. He was from another universe where he and my mother never got married or had children.

Yet he still acted just like he would have in that parallel world. Like a dad. Like my dad.

After a while the pain started to die down, leaving me absolutely exhausted.

I let out a deep sigh, letting my entire body just relax.

“There now, all better.” He said matter of factly.


After an awkwardly long silence dad let me go and practically moved to the other side of the room.

“Right then!” He said starting to do his little back and forth dance. “So in a parallel world Rose and I are you parents and something went wrong with the....well...breading so to speak, causing you to become more Time Lord then you were supposed to. Now because of that you are now dying because one part of your DNA is rejecting the other, and seeing as how you are now beginning to rapidly deteriorate, you want me to use an old contraption I told you I used with Martha when I wanted to temporarily hide my Time Lord DNA, only you want me to use it to permanently obliterate your human DNA, making you full Time Lord and giving you a long life to look forward to.”

He didn’t even take a breath after talking so fast for so long. So even though regeneration is supposed to have completely changed him, he still has some of his old traits. So odd, I would have thought all his old habits from his last regeneration would have been lost.

I smiled at him. “Yep. So when are we doing this?”

“Not so fast young lady.” He said somewhat sternly. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just make you human.”

“Well for starters you’d be erasing all of my memories. You’d be deleting everything I’ve experienced as a Time Lord, and being that I was born a Time Lord you’d be erasing my entire life’s memories. Second, if you made me Time Lord you’d be giving my universe a Doctor, and every planet, every universe for that matter, needs a Doctor; and you won’t be in both places for long seeing as your human self is also quickly dying.”

He began to fidget, having trouble coming up with a good comeback. “Yes, well......Time Lords do tend to cause more trouble then they stop.”

“So you’re going to erase my memories. Mum will be thrilled.”

He didn’t have an answer for that.

I waited for an answer patiently. He defiantly didn’t know what to do with me, and I certainly didn’t know what to do with him. I just needed that darn machine and then we could be done with this. I could go home!

If I still wanted to. Afterwards I’d have to leave the TARDIS, and since I’m the Doctor’s daughter I have a feeling giving up all time and space, plus that “beautiful old girl,” to quote my father, would not be easy for someone like me.

I decided to take the lead since he obviously wasn’t going to do anything.

I jumped out of my bed and clasped my hands together. “Right then, so where’d you leave her.”

He looked at me quizzically. “Her?”

“The TARDIS of course.”

“Right...Olivia I....”

I interrupted him. “No. I think you’ve because my, your, our, family enough heartbreaking problems, especially mum, to last a lifetime. You’re not getting out of this one so lets get this over with so you can be on your way.”

I walked out the door and didn’t bother to look back if he was following, I knew he would, and sure enough a few seconds later he ran up next to me as I walked out of Torchwood, in my PJ’s, right into the outside world.

“So how far is she?” I asked him.

“Not far, just follow me.”

And off I went, to see the TARDIS, to save my life, and to maybe, just maybe, get an adventure out of him.

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