Chapter 6

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No no, that one there.” Dad pointed to the opposite green thingy and helped me attach the cable to it, completely connecting the main controls to the motor.

I smiled as I struggled to move the heavy metal tools around upside down. Dad had said it would be easier to create...what ever it was we were creating, lying underneath it and so far it had proven to be a rather difficult task for my small arm muscles. He was very patient though, and helped as often as I needed it with absolutely no frustration or disappointment.

He had still refused to tell me what we were making and insisted that I figure it out as we built it. Every day we would go out back and spend a good few hours of him teaching me about this tool and that device, and show me how to put it onto the strange contraption that was slowly beginning to look like a rather large satellite.

“Doctor!” I heard my mom shout from across the lawn.

He looked at me reassuringly and gave me a quick pat on the shoulder. “I’ll be right back.” He said before wiggling out and making his way towards the house. Out of curiosity and lack of direction as to what I should do next, I made my way out from underneath the contraption but remained inside the shed. I had learned that if mom hadn’t called me that chances were I wasn’t supposed to hear what she and dad were talking about, and listening in usually ended in getting caught and punished for the rest of the week.

A few moments later I heard dad call me inside.

I walked in to find my mom on the phone, sounding rather stressed, and pacing the room back and forth.

“Can’t you take her for an hour mum?”

“Of course not! She’s only six mum, and a genius at that. She’s bound to find trouble, if not purposely.” She finally noticed my presence and placed her hand over the phone. “Doctor, can you...” She pointed at me and made and ushering motion with her hands. Dad appeared, who also seemed rather stressed and ushered me into the hall.

“Put your shoes on and grab your coat. He managed a “Be quick.” before disappearing into the basement.

I did as I was told, over-hearing some of mom’s conversations. She sounded as if she was calling a whole bunch of people asking each of them if they could watch me for a few. Sounded like none of them could and mom was getting more and more frustrated each time.

I sat on the bottom of the stairs by the front door and waited. Something bad must have happened. Mom and dad didn’t normally rush out for emergencies, and if they did they were already at work and I was already and Gran’s, so there wasn’t any visual stress or concern that I noticed. I wonder if I should grab a few of my toys just in case?

Dad came back from the basement holding a rather large square object that looked like parts of an old vacuum cleaner. Make that several vacuum cleaners. As soon as he came up mom gave up on the phone calls, grabbed her coat and pushed me out the door with dad following behind.

“Where are we going?” I asked sounding as worried as a six year old could.

“Your dad and I have to go to work. Gran can’t watch you this time so you’ll have to come with us, but you have to promise me you’ll do exactly as your father and I tell you.”

I nodded my head and jumped into the van while dad finished loading the vacuum thing, and then we sped off. When we were finally driving away I started asking questions.

“Is there a bad alien dad?”

I saw him glance in the rear view mirror and give me a quick smile before concentrating back on the road. “Yes, and they're very very dangerous...when they're mad.”

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