Mother's Return

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Your P.O.V

I ran in the alley that Scott was fighting a huge werewolf.I run up to it and kick it.It bend down.Then gets up he picks me up and throws me to the wall.I hit my head. Another werewolf boy comes  in and punches the one attacking scott. He picked the boy and throw him. I saw the werewolf sink its claws in to Scott twisting it.I screamed 'noooo'.The werewolf twist its claws in to Scott.Scott grabs its arm and pulles it out of him breaking the arm.

Scott "Leave or stay and ill broke something else"

The thing looked at all of us.His gaze lanes on Stiles last

Stiles "I would run"

The werewolf ran away.Everyone turned to the mysterious new werewolf.

Werewolf "You don't remember me I guess I do look a little different since the 4th grade"
Scott "Theo?"
Liam "Hey guys why is (Y,N) not healing"
Scott "I don't know"

They all ran to me and that is the last thing I saw.You wake up in the arms of Theo.Stiles doesn't like that Theo is carrying you.Stiles doesn't trust Theo

Stiles "Ummm  give (Y,N) to me"
Theo "Are you sure you don't look like you can carry her"
"Are You saying that I am heavy"
Theo "No I am saying Stiles doesn't look like he can carry people without him falling down too"
Stiles "I can carry her"
(Y,N) "Guys I can walk"

Theo puts me down.I start to walk.My head is spinning it hurts so does my back.I look at my legs and see scratch marks all over them.I fall back.Stiles picks me up but almost drops me.Liam picks me up.My head is Ponding.I fall asleep.I wake up in my bed.I see a woman.well she is creepy I thought.
I sit up.She keeps starting at me.I look at her.

"Who are you?"
Woman "Oh so you don't remember me?"
"Why would I remember you"
Woman "Because I am your mother"

My eyes widen as she grabs me.She knocks me out.I wake up in a house that I do not recognize.Crazy 'mom' walks up to me.

'Mom' "Well your awake now your gonna tell me were your pack and your father are"
"First up mother of the year award ow congratulations you won note the sarcasm"
'Mom' "Tell me were your pack and father is"
"Why would I do that"
'Mom' "Because if you don't you die"

Scott's P.O.V

I walked into (Y,N) room to check on her.I opened the door but she wasn't there.

"Guys (Y,N)  is missing"
Stiles "What"

Everyone come running in (Y,N) room.We looked around the house.We called Theo to help.Theo walks in the house.

Theo "Stiles calm down I don't even know who you are talking about"
Stiles "Jessica"said (Y,N) fake name
Theo "So your not gonna tell me her real name...Wait are you talking about (Y,N)?"
"We will tell you later but first we need to find her"
Theo "Ok do we separate in groups?"
"Yeah Stiles,Theo, and Liam there you go and I will call Chris when we know we're she is we will all meet up"

Your P.O.V

I can't believe she is actually torturing me.

'Mom' "Ok so how about I tell you my name and you tell me your alphas"
I stayed stayed quite
'Mom' "Ok I will take that as a yes my name is Ellen and what is your alpha name"
"I am not telling you Ellen"
Ellen "You are suppose to call me mom it is a law"
"No it is not you want to know something that is against the law kidnapping your daughter,hunting her friends and try to kill your husband"I screamed
Ellen "You really care about them don't you so maybe you won't sell them out how about your father"
"I don't know we had him tied up then he escaped"
Ellen "Do you have  any idea what you are?"
"No I like to call it hybrid but one of my friends like to call it White coy wolf"
Ellen "Oh really and what friend might that be"
"Why would I tell you now I haven't before"
Ellen "Fine how about you tell me were your dad is and I will kill him"

Scott's P.O.V

We tracked her down.To a house.The house of her kidnapper. Chris is here too.Everyone is Stiles doesn't trust Theo.The only reason stiles argued to let Theo come is because it It (Y,N).I turned to face all of them.

"Are you ready"

Your P.O.V

Ellen "You know I have been been looking for you forever"
"Yeah I assume so that you can kill me"
Ellen "No no sweetheart  I wanted to save you but the mention  of your fathers name got me mad"

Scott and the others busted throw the door.There was one more person he wasn't t a werewolf or a banshee.He wasn't supernatural. He was human.No not just human he was a hunter.Scott,Derek,Kira and the hunter attacked Ellen.Liam and Isaac started to untie me me.I got out of the chair.

"Why is there a hunter here?"
Theo "He is a friend of Scott's"
Liam "Chris argent"
Isaac "His daughter Allison argent"Isaac face now sad

We turned to see Derek holding Ellen hands behind her back.Liam ran and knocked her out.We went to the hale house.Ellen was tied up.I faced all of them.

"I thought stiles didn't  trust Theo"
Stiles "I don't but you were in trouble so we called everyone"
Chris "I know this might be a bad time to mention this but"
"What do I have a crazy uncle or aunt or cousin who wants me for something"
Lydia "Oh my gosh no this is about banshees"
"What about them you are the only one left because Meredith is dead"
Chris "Your grandmother was a banshee"
"So you are saying that I am a banshee"
Lydia "maybe"
Derek "That might be why you fainted when you wee attacked the whitewolf and werecoyote in you tried to heal it fast and the banshee in you wants to scream for another supernatural"
"So I am a white wolf,were-coyote and banshee"
Stiles "Maybe"
Derek "No one can take that much power and we don't even know if you are actually are a banshee but we will find out"
"So Stiles can you think of a name that can use White Wolf,Were-coyote and Banshee"I said smiling

"I thought stiles didn't  trust Theo"Stiles "I don't but you were in trouble so we called everyone"Chris "I know this might be a bad time to mention this but""What do I have a crazy uncle or aunt or cousin who wants me for something"Lydia "Oh my g...

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