They Come For Me

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Your P.O.V

They come for me. It has been I while. Antonio always saying 'they won't come for you' or 'were are they no were to be found' 'and they never will'. But he was wrong they came for me.

Scott "I am only gonna say this once let them go"
"No we will not"
Antonio "Oh Theo you betrayed us"
"Theo get Liam and Hayden they are over there"

Theo runs to were Liam amd Hayden are. He grabs the gates and gets electrocuted. He let's go amd tries again breaking it off a little more. It is completely off now. Scott and Liam run over to Mason. There is a huge piece of metal in his neck. Scott tries to pull it out

Scott "Tell me if it hurts" He puts his a hand on it and starts to pull it out
Mason "Ok stop it hurts it definitely hurts"
Scott "I barely moved it"

Derek runs up to me. Antonio tightens his grip on me.

Derek "Let her go"
Antonio "Take one more step and she dies"
"I could be at home right now watching tv but no I just had to have a pysho uncle"
Antonio "Oh shut up"

Theo comes up behind Antonio. Theo grabs Antonio and throws him into one of the green tubs. It shatters into pieces. Derek helps me up. Antonio gets up. The dread doctors start walking toward me. Derek is behind me in a protective postion. Theo is in front of me also in a protective way wierd.

Dread doctors "Theo Reaken failure"
Theo "I am not a failure"
Dread doctors "Theo Reaken failure"

I here a wierd sound. I look over to Mason and see him standing up taking the metal piece out of his neck. His eyes are glowing green.

"Guys what is happening why is mason like that"
Scott "He is the Beast"

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