Entry Eight

29 3 2

Dear Delivery Boy,

My mom threw another banquet today.
It was at a bigger venue this time.

Not only that,
But Seokjin had brought his boyfriend,
This time.

It was kinda awkward
Being the third wheel.
They're so perfect,
It hurts.

I looked around to see if I could spot my mom,
But I found you instead.
I watched you closely,
Hoping you would turn around.

Seokjin must've caught me staring,
As he quickly pushed past Namjoon and I,
All the way to you.

You looked surprised when he walked up to you.
Seokjin said something to you,
Then you looked in my direction.

I smiled at you,
Yet you just turned away and walked out.

Jung Hoseok,
How can you toy with my heart
Like it's nothing?


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