Entry Seventeen

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Dear Delivery Boy,

I thought you would hate me,
But you said it back.

You leaned in
And kissed me again.
Then the doorbell rang.

I remember you
Getting off me and sighing.

I opened the door
To see Seokjin and Namjoon

I was hesitant to let them in,
But I couldn't just leave them there.

Seokjin was surprised
To see you sitting on my bed.
He looked at me
With worry in his eyes.

Namjoon just pulled him closer to him
And whispered something
In his ear.

I looked back at you,
Jung Hoseok,
You looked confused and guilty
At the same time.

You stood up
And quickly apologized to Seokjin.
All he did was smile and nod.

Namjoon sighed.
He apologized for Seokjin,
And they left.

You and I
Just looked at each other
And laughed.


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