Entry Twenty (Final Entry)

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Dear Delivery Boy,

I called your work
And asked about you.

They told me
They'd never heard your name before.

I asked everyone about you,
Yet they all knew nothing.

They all said
I made you up.

But it's not possible,

You felt so,
So real.

I couldn't believe
That you're not real.
I refuse to believe that.

I love you,
Jung Hoseok.

I know
With my heart
That you're just gonna
Walk threw my front door,
And smile at me.

With that beautiful smile of yours.
You're gonna hug me
And tell me
Everything's ok.

I just know it.

Don't let
What everyone's saying
Be true.

I need you,
Jung Hoseok.

Don't let them be right.

Come back,



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