CHAPTER THREE - Grabbed my attention...

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Just when I thought I had evaded telling an experience.  I felt sweat dripping at the side of my forehead and once again, blurted out what came up to mind

"There was this one time back in middle school where we were playing volleyball casually and I was about to spike when I suddenly slipped before I could even spike the ball in the middle of the gym in front of a lot of people"

The class laughed and I finally sat down.  My face is burning in embarrassment!  Stupid Sir Rielle being my soul mate! Damn his hypnotizing eyes! I glared at the man as he threw a mischievous smile at me.  He faced the whole class and said,

"Now that introductions are finished, let me give you an outline for our first quarter lessons. Now get out your notebooks and write this down..."

He turned to the board and started writing.  All of us followed his instruction and wrote down what was on the board.  Despite doing what he said, my mind was in a different place.  My heart was fluttering, my mind was racing, my stomach is tingling with excitement worry. 

He's my soul mate yes, but he also's my teacher who's probably even a couple of years older.  Maybe 4? Maybe 10? God, why am I asking? All I know is that he's the one that I've been searching.

Okay stop, wait, think rationally, he's still your teacher and it's illegal for you to express it. Not all soulmates end up together, right? Yeah, you're pretty convincing Francene. 10/10 would recommend as a salesperson

I inwardly sigh to myself as I write down notes.


My eyebrows pinched together in frustration as I scribbled on the board.  My own student as my soul mate, what a coincidence. Admittedly, it was amusing to see and hear her reactions towards me, though I highly doubt she sees me through. 

When I walked in the room, her face was the first thing that I saw among the mostly familiar ones around her.  Her surprised face as her classmates scrambled back to their seats and stood up was... adorable.  Her hair was in a messy bun and some hairs fell around her face perfectly. My heart quivered and the tattoo on my nape started to itch but I restrained myself. 

A humorous thing about my tattoo is that it reads the word 'fuck' on it. I am not kidding, I have a curse word on the back of my neck. No one has seen it before except for my family  and a few of my closest friends.  

"Good morning Sir Rielle"

The class greeted and I nodded for them to sit down.  I approached the table and sat down on it casually.   I was practically in front of this new girl so I shuffled my feet a bit. I greeted as I bowed down my head,

"Good morning class," then I raised my head to face them, "Welcome to hell"

My heart leaped and  sank when I heard the new girl in front of me muttered,


Oh fuck indeed. I looked at her and our eyes connected.  In her eyes were the same emotions reflected in mine; shock, joy, and disbelief.  To remain calm I spoke,

"I've noticed that we have new students today, 3 if I'm not mistaken, I'll just introduce myself. I am Alfred Simon Rielle but you shall call me Sir Rielle," I turned towards the board and quickly wrote my name. My, um, soul mate held her breath but I continued on,

  "I am a 10th grade homeroom teacher and I will be your English teacher for this school year." 

I shoot them all a threatening smile and started to move around. I proposed,

  "I want the new students to share a certain experience to the class; it may be either special, hilarious or embarrassing, for example..." I shot a look at the certain girl, "meeting your soul mate."  

 The class laughed and I continued, 

  "In return I will share one of my experiences, I'll start first" 

Here we go again.

"Back when I was in college, I was in a trio who liked Harry Potter...."

I had told that story numerous times yet my students still think it's hilarious. Well, I do too actually. As I told my story,  the messy-bun girl listened so attentively, her eyes filled with curiosity.  The story progressed and she slowly opened up by laughing at the story too.  

She had a breath-taking laugh, she'd scrunch up her nose and throw her head back as she laughed.  I couldn't suppress a smile and we met eyes once more. Her eyes also twinkled as she giggled. 

I finally finished the story and reminded,

"Now that I've shared, now it's time for your side of the bargain. Which of the new students would like to share first? Introduce yourself first and give some information about yourself before sharing."

Silence. No one dared to make the first move. The new students including the messy-bun girl looked at each other and made a conversation with only their faces. After a few seconds, the new male student stood up and introduced himself,

  "I'm Archie Wilkins, 18 yrs. Old, single" The class laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

After his share, the other new female student stood up,

"My name is Anna Madison, 17 yrs. Old, and I like dancing" 

I chuckled at her story about how she got chased by a dog for almost 2 miles. She finished and it was finally my... soul mate's turn. She was looking straight at me, anxious and self-conscious.  She held unto her arm like she was protecting a secret.  Her tattoo is located here if I'm not mistaken. 

"I am Francene Taylor," I finally knew her name yet she looked as if she winced at her name and continued, "17 yrs . old, and I..."    

She  paused for a few second and blurted out shyly,

"I sing"

I wanted to chuckle. She completely didn't think her answer through so I asked, oh so innocently,

 "Can you give us a sample?"  

The class hollered and she gulped, playing with the hem of her sleeve. She looked up at me with such honest eyes that showed her captivation, a visible blush dusting her face and ears. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the sight.  All of a sudden, she starts

  "Ohh, I do I do I do I dooo! Hey!" 

My eyes widen in surprise at her choice of song. Folks let's go home, we found a winner.  She's a Hamilton fan and she sings!  

"Ohh, I do, I do, I do, I dooo! Boy you got me

Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm helpless!
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em!"

She bowed slightly and I clapped.  I couldn't help but comment,

  "Looks like we have a new singer in the class. So tell us your experience?"  

I inwardly high-five myself as she tried to brain-vomit a memory. 

 "There was this one time back in middle school where we were playing volleyball casually and I was about to spike when I suddenly slipped before I could even spike the ball in the middle of the gym in front of a lot of people"  

The class laughed and she sat down.  I threw her a mischievous smirk as she glared at me. A very peculiar yet unique girl.... 

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