CHAPTER 19 - The First Reveal

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"Yes." Jeanne whispered her answer.

She said yes.

She said yes!  

I looked at her and she gazed at me with so much love.  I broke into a grin, hoisted her up by the waist and spun her around, laughing in joy.  Jeanne laughed as she was spun around and I let her down.  She whispered,

"Is it alright for you to go out with me?  It's illegal and we can't be together in public."

"As long as I know you're mine and I'm yours, I am satisfied" I replied, holding her hands for the first time.

Both of us blushed at our closeness but we didn't mind.  She intertwined her fingers with mine and my heart felt like bursting in joy.  

So this is what it feels like to be with your soul mate.

Sadly we had to bid our farewells and go our separate ways but I know we'll never part.  I let her go down first to not let the others be suspicious and I regained my composure as I was left in the classroom.


He asked me out.

Simon asked me out.


I've never felt so alive!  I couldn't stop glowing!  When I saw Trevor and the others, I waved at them enthusiastically and said,

"Let's go!  Sir Rielle said we'd go first 'cause he has something to do"

They nodded and we went out way home.  

Jelo and I were already in the bus when he asked,

"Okay, spill the beans, what really happened back there? You're grinning like a madman."

"Oh Jelo..." I sighed dreamily, "Simon asked me out"

"He what?!"

Jelo looked surprised and some of the people around us turned to him. He ignored the stares and said,

"This calls for celebratory Chinese Take-out. No buts, my treat, my house, get it?"

I beamed and nodded. We continued to talk until we arrived at our homes. Jelo said, before entering his house,

"Just change quickly and I'll order our usual, alright?"


I rushed in and changed my clothes into more comfortable ones and went to Jelo. When I knocked at the door, his younger brother, Alex, opened the door. Before he could tackle me in a hug, I dodged him and ran. Of course, that would mean Alex would chase me. I shouted,

"Jelo, where the fuck are you? You're younger brother is chasing me!!"

"In the kitchen!" he replied, "Just go to my room and lock it immediately! I'll just knock and you'll know it's me!"


I screeched as I rushed to his bedroom door (it had an obvious sign, aka lettering of the name 'Jelo') and successfully locking it before Alex could enter. Geez, I hate that kid. Don't get me wrong, some kids are good but that brat is annoying! I was leaning against the door and looked around the room. The walls were painted a baby blue, Jelo's bed was near the window and had a bed stand, closet and shelves. I walked to the bed and sat down on it. After a few minutes, someone knocked on the door.

"Frankie, it's me, Jelo"

I stood up and unlock the door. The door opened to reveal Jelo just in his white undershirt and some shorts. He entered and locked the door behind him because Alex might burst in.

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