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There was Arra… Standing on her own… She looks the same…

What’s different is she’s holding something in her arm, something that is bundled in cloth.

Then something weird happened…

That something that is bundled in cloth…


But the strangest thing is…

My heart pounded like I felt a connection.

It was unusual that I turned my eyes back to Arra. She was looking down to what she was holding while lightly rocking her arms.

I’m quite sure she hasn’t noticed us.

“Hi,” Ara beside me suddenly blurted out. I turned to her and she is wearing an honest smile.

Arra, in front me, looked up to us. I know she saw me first when our eyes met. But then those eyes darted sidewards. She looked confused at the presence of a somehow familiar face. Then she turned to look at me, then back to Ara. Until she looked down to our intertwined hands.

There was an uncomfortable silence as Arra tries to decipher the situation. Her eyes looked disoriented.

Ara and I just stood there waiting for the newcomer to start talking. But we didn’t hear anything. I don’t know how long have we’ve been standing there.

Until finally, there was a change in Arra’s expression. Her confused eyes glistened with welling tears. Before I know it, she was shaking and sobbing.

Ara beside me stiffened when she saw the Arra cried.

Ugh, I know what Kasey has been nagging about the Ar/ra’s. It’s so hard to explain when they are in one place.

Ara let go of my hand and walked towards the other Arra.

“Okay ka lang ba?” Ara, with her natural good and kind heart, worriedly asked the crying person.

Arra vigorously nodded and wiped the tears from her face using her free hand. Ara took out a hankie from her shorts and handed it to Arra. The latter smiled and took the former’s offer.

“Ara,” I called and they both looked at me with asking faces. I have my hand outstretched to Ara but they looked at me blankly.

Urrrghhh! “Victonara,” I said and looked MY Ara.

Ara tried to lighten the mood when she chuckled. “Oh diba? Ang gulo,” she said with a smile.

But Arra and I didn’t feel any lightening. We both just stood in our places stiffer than a rock.

“Ai bata!” Ara exclaimed when we heard a high pitched cry.

Arra dance side by side to lull the crying baby, “Hush baby.”

I moved towards where they are standing. I immediately hooked my arms around Ara’s waist and discretely pulled her away from Arra.

“What do you want?” I finally asked the newcomer.

“Thomas,” Ara gently reprimanded me. She is still concerned about the baby crying and Arra can’t seem to stop it from crying.

Arra looked up to me but didn’t say anything. She turned to Ara.

“Si-sige. Sa loob na muna ako,” Ara said and tried to move away from me.

“Stay here,” I told Ara then turned to the other Arra. “Just say whatever you want.”

“Thomas,” Arra started but sobs are starting again.


The three of us looked to where the calling came from. We saw Mom and Dad at the door looking at our direction. It was Mom who called my attention.

Arra discretely wiped the remaining tears on her face as my parents move towards our direction.

“Good evening, Tita, Tito,” Arra greeted sadly.

“Good evening hija,” Dad greeted back.

I looked at my Mom and she has her restrained scowling face directed to the newcomer. Dad looks a lot less growling and he looks like he’s just here to contain Mom.

“What is going on?” Mom asked impatiently until she noticed what Arra has been carrying. Her eyes grew in undetermined surprise.

“Mom, we haven’t started talking–,” I started but Mom walked towards Arra.

“Is this what I think this is?” Mom asked with wide eyes.

“Jane, let the kids talk. Let’s go back inside,” Dad told Mom.

My mother ignored her husband as she tried to peak through the bundled cloth. After inspection, Mom turned to look at me with stich eyebrows. I didn’t dare to look straight into her eyes and busied my eyes with the ground.

She looked at Dad. They talked through some telepathy lines that we weren’t invited. Then she turned back to Arra.

“Is this Thomas’?” Mom asked her.

“Jane,” Dad called firmly. He walked to his wife and gently held her arm. Then firmly but lovingly, Dad dragged my mother back inside. Mom was protesting but eventually followed. But before finally getting inside, he said, “Thomas, be a man. Fix whatever this is.”

I just stared at my parents and didn’t move.

Then I felt someone gently rubbed my arm. It was Ara and she moved closer to me, “Thom, I’m not supposed to be listening here. I’ll be inside.”

I look at Ara. She looks a bit less confused than we all are. Actually, I can’t read her face. She’s on neutral mode. I’m not sure what’s going through her head right now.

“Please stay,” I said.

She smiled like she’s telling me everything is okay. “I will just be inside. I won’t leave til you tell me so.”

“I won’t. Dito ka lang please,” I asked again.

She smiled again, “I’m always with you. For now, you have to talk.” She took a glance at Arra.

I shut my mouth because I know she’s right. Ara knew I agreed so she smiled at me. She moved closer to my ear. “I love you, no matter what,” she whispered.

She was about to walk away but I gently held her back. I kissed her fine smelling hair, “I love you too.”

Ara smiled at me and nodded at Arra. Then she went inside.

Now I’m left with this Arra. There was silence as I didn’t know what to say. The girl in front of me isn’t saying anything as well.

She has a sad smile on. I don’t know why.

“Ara Galang,” she finally talked.

“Yes,” I timidly answered.

“She’s changed,” she commented.

“She did, for the better and good for me,” I added dryly.

Then there was another silence. Arra looked to the ground as she tries to formulate her thoughts.

“What is this all about?” I finally said due impatience when Arra won’t go straight to the point. “We already ended everything. What else do you want from me?”

She looked up to me with concerned eyes, “I don’t want trouble Thomas. I just badly need your help.”

I scoffed, “Now you need my help?”

“It’s not for me, Thomas,” Ara bravely said. “For your daughter.”

I wouldn’t say that didn’t take me by surprise. It did but I think I was already acclimatized by the fact that Arra came here with that bundled ‘thing’.

Fine, I’ll verbalize it. I know it’s a baby.

I’m not stupid. I kind of had a hint about this. It just hadn’t sink down the surface yet. When a long forgotten ex comes to your house with a baby in her arms, you must entertain the possibility that that’s yours. I wouldn’t deny it nor play dumb about this. Arra and I lived together. I was in love with her before. What do you expect us to do when we’re home?

“My daughter?” I said and looked at the baby.

“Amirra,” Arra said. “She’s weak and sick, Thomas. I wouldn’t trouble myself to fly across the world if it’s nothing important. I know, you have your life now. I can clearly see that.”

“What’s wrong with her?” I asked.

I’m sorry but my head is one big blur right now. I’m still not sure of what I feel right now. My body is instinctively on defensive mode.

And then Arra started crying. I didn’t know what to do when the baby started crying too. When Arra was crying so hard she was barely holding the child, I panicked so gently took the crying baby from her mother.

“Tho-Thomas,” Arra cried. “I-I’m sorry… I lost Anika… Th-they were both weak… I couldn’t save her.”

“Wh-what?” I stammered as I barely understood her.

I am trying to rock this baby to stop her from crying. I didn’t know what to do. Her face was covered with thin cloth, so I tried to wave it away from her face. Maybe she can’t breathe or something.

When I did, I saw the little girl’s face. Those tiny eyes… sort of connected to me, as if they were talking to me. My heart beat faster and I think I am starting to sweat.

“I-I’m really sorry Thomas,” Arra started talking again.

It snapped me back to reality.

“Let’s get you inside,” I told Ara as she is almost weakened by her crying. I didn’t have any choice but to bring her in.
“So when Thomas came home, you were already pregnant. You and Thomas had twin girls. You didn’t tell us anything. Then you lost the other one? Is that what you’re trying to tell us, Arra?” Mom said firmly, bordering on angry.

The entire family plus Rica, Ara, Arra and the baby are in our living room. We are trying to sort this mess that Arra came in with.

I still feel as numb as I was earlier. Nothing is sinking in my head.

Arra looked down when she heard my Mom’s accusation. But that’s basically what she did, Mom just summarized it for her.

“Jane,” Dad called his wife’s attention. Then Dad turned to Arra, “How come that you told us just now, hija?”

“I was scared Tito. I didn’t know what to do. I know Thomas is mad at me,” Arra explained. “I delivered the girls both alive. They were weak when they came out because I was not enough for both of them. I was frail too when I was carrying them.”

“What happened to the other one?” Kuya Axel butted in.

“I lost her. They both have congenital anomalies in the heart. Anika’s heart was so much weaker. And she gave in to her illness a month after their birth,” Arra said while sobbing. Her tears are like waterfalls, they just wouldn’t stop falling.

“How old is she?” Kuya asked and pointed to the baby. “And you said they both have problem with their hearts.”

“Three months,” Arra answered. “Amirra has heart problems too. And it’s worsening. I don’t know what to do... Tita, Tito, I don’t want trouble. I just need help for my baby. I don’t have anyone else to go to.”

“What did your parents say about this?” Mom adamantly asked.

Arra looked down, “They are very disappointed at me. They don’t want anything to do with me.”

There was silence… This is a mess.

My parents interrogated Arra more. I was there but I wasn’t listening. My head is blocking everything. All I understand is I had twins. They had heart problems. The other one died. And the other one is here, asking for my help. That’s it.

They were still talking when I felt someone sat beside me.

“Are you okay?” Ara asked.

I turned to look at her eyes. At least in those eyes, I find serenity.

Then it hit me. Ara!

Ara is still here, listening to all this shit. And despite all this, she’s still the one asking me if I’m okay.

She held my arm, “I know it’s disorienting but just know, I’m still here if you need me.”

This girl. I can’t.

I didn’t reply to what she said, instead, I pulled her to a hug.

“I’m sorry for bringing you in this. I will fix this, I promise,” I told her.

I felt her rubbed my back. “I know. Don’t worry, Thomas.”

Ara gently broke the hug as I move aside to let her sit beside me. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I mumbled to Ara.

“You have nothing to say sorry about,” she assured.

My parents came up with a temporary solution of letting Arra and the baby stay here for a while since she can’t go home to her family. That’s what we are going to do as we all sort out on what to do to help the baby.

I’m still referring to it as THE baby, instead of MY baby. I know I felt a connection but I still can’t attach myself. I am just so guarded right now.

“Mom, I am bringing Ara home,” I announced when I thought everything is settled.

“Kuya which Ar/ra?” Diethird suddenly blurted out. I snapped at him and he just gave me a peace sign.

“It’s okay, Thom. I can go home by myself,” Ara said. “I can take cab. You’re tired.”

“I’m not,” I said and asserted myself. “I’m taking you home.”

“Okay, Thomas. You take care while driving,” Dad said.

I didn’t wait for any comments from the other as I immediately pulled Ara to my car. I badly need to get out of here.

The drive to Ara’s is quiet. Ara allowed me to somehow think I guess. We arrived to her unit eventless. I walked her up the building.

“Can I stay for a few minutes?” I blurted out when we are in front of Ara’s door.

She turned to me, “Of course Thomas.”

“Thank you,” I said and we went in.

Ara directly went to her room as I took the couch in her living room. There’s no way to describe this night but crazy. In a snap, my life changed. I may not feel the urgency now but I know I felt the connection with the baby girl earlier.

“Thom,” I heard Ara called. I looked over her she’s changed her shirt. “Okay lang ba mag-antay ka konti? I’ll cook dinner?”

We haven’t had dinner nga pala.

“Of course,” I answered. “You need my help?”

“No, it’s okay. Pahinga ka muna,” she said and went to the kitchen.

I sat there and stared at the Ara’s ceiling. I can’t wrap my head around what’s happening. It’s extremely troubling. I didn’t know how long I was sitting here until Ara sat beside me.

“Kainin mo na muna to. Pinapakuluan ko pa yung manok. Magluluto ako ng tinola para mainitan naman yang tyan mo,” Ara said and handed me a sandwich.

“Thank you,” I said and absent-mindedly took the sandwich.

The truth is I’m not feeling any hunger but Ara is so pretty that I wasn’t able to say no.

I kissed her cheek, “I love you.”

“I know, Torres,” she smiled. “But I’m going back to the kitchen. Pahinga ka muna.”

Ara did go back to cooking. I finished my sandwich and went back to staring at the ceiling. After a few moments, Ara called me. When I sat up, the table is set and Ara just laid the bowl of Tinola on the table.

“Halika na,” Ara said as I took one seat.

Ara served food for me. I didn’t protest and just watched her.

“Samahan mo na ko,” I told her.

“Opo,” she said. When she’s done with my plate she sat down with me. Then we started eating.

“Sarap,” I told Ara with a smile.

She smiled my favorite sweet smile, “I’m happy you liked it.”

“Thank you for today,” I said out loud. “Thank you for giving in to my sister’s request. Thank you for making me amazing tinola. Thank you for staying with me.”

“You are most welcome, Thom,” she said. “I know I can’t compare the time I had with you to the people from your past and it may seem not like it but I will do anything for you. I’ll be right here.”

“That is more than enough for me,” I said and held her hand. “I will sort this out.”

“You can take your time cause I’m not going anywhere,” she said with a happy smile.

“Well good. I don’t want you anywhere but beside me,” I said.

“Okay,” she smiled. “Finish your food.”

“One more thing,” I said.


“Can I stay for the night?” I asked and puppy eyed Ara. “Please.”

“Basta huwag mo kong pagsasalamantahan,” Ara joked.

“Baka nga ako pa pagsamantalahan mo eh,” I retorted and wiggled my eyebrows.

“Mukha mo,” she said. “Ma-mimiss mo lang ako eh.”

“True,” I replied. “Sobra-sobra.”
I always bring extra clothes in my car everytime I have workout sessions with Jeron. So changing clothes wasn’t an issue with me staying in Ara’s.

I am ready for bed and just waiting for Ara for my pillows and blanket. Ara’s couch has been my second home. Haha. When she came out of her room, she was ready for bed too in her pajamas but she wasn’t holding anything.

She walked to me and held out a hand.

“Tara, tulog na tayo,” she said and pointed to her room.

“In your room?” I asked.

“Ayaw mo?” Ara asked.

I stood up straight, “Gusto.”

“Oh eh, dali na,” she said and flick her hand at me. I didn’t complain and took it immediately. Aarte pa ba ko?

Ara jumped to her bed when we entered her room. She patted her lap, “Lika dito.”

I joked and wrapped my body with my arms, “Huwag po.” 

“Kapal mo,” she said and impatiently patted her lap. “Dali na.”

I didn’t waste any time and hopped on the bed. I laid my head on her lap. When I’m all comfortable, Ara started gently stroking my head. It was relaxing and calming.

“Thank you,” I said as I savor the nice massage on my head.

“Nakakailang thank you ka na ah,” she replied but didn’t stop.

“You deserve more,” I said.

“Ewan ko sayo,” Ara said and continued. There was a comfortable silence and my eyes are starting to droop.

I was taken back to consciousness when Ara spoke, “How are you feeling?”

“Weird,” I answered. That word basically describes my feelings now.

“It’s okay to feel anything but okay, Thomas,” Ara said.

I smiled, “Anything you do always makes me feel better. I’m so lucky to have you.”

She chuckled, “Swerte mo nga eh. Sa ganda kong to.”

I smiled. “How are you feeling?” I asked after a brief silence.

“I feel fine, except from the fact that I’m in love with a man who has kids,” Ara joked.

“Kid na lang eh,” I said and grabbed her hand. “I love you, Ara. That will not change whatever or whoever comes to our lives.”

“Relax lang Thomas, di kita iiwan,” she said jokingly. “Huwag ka ng mag-alala diyan.”

“Promise mo yan ha,” I looked up to Ara.

She just stuck her tongue out at me.

“Sabihin mo,” I told her.

“Oo na, promise,” Ara said and pinched my nose.

“Matulog ka na nga diyan,” Ara said and started massaging my head again.

“Ikaw?” I asked.

“Papatulugin ko pa baby ko,” she said.

“Kiss mo muna baby mo,” I said and pouted like a baby.

Ara rolled her eyes at me but she bent down to kiss me on the lips.

“Love you,” I said and closed my eyes.

“Pulit-ulit,” she said and pinched my nose one more.
Author’s Note:
Hep bibitinin ko muna kayo. Hahaha. I know I told you I’ll make bawi but my head is sabaw from the exams and this is just what I came up with. Sorry po.

What do you think about this chapter? Let me know.

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