Sunshine Lollipops🍭

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<<Tom's POV>>

The last thing I remember is explosion.

I couldn't hear after that, it was too loud.

The smoke clouded my vision and hurt my lungs.

But Edd came back to get me, and I'm thankful that he did, because I would've died.

It's been 3 weeks since the accident, and none of us have spoken a word about it yet. It's like it never happened.

Edd interrupts my train of thought.
"Hey, Tom, want some more popcorn?"

We just started Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 6, and my popcorn was already almost gone.

"Wha- Oh yeah, sure, thanks Edd."

I, being the only one who believed that we shouldn't have let Tord in, was really hit the hardest when something actually happened.
Just imagine how it would feel knowing something bad is going to happen to your friends, but not stopping it. I felt horrible.

They tell me not to blame myself, but I still do.

The new place is pretty nice. It's spacey, and new, and we've got our own rooms and bathrooms.

Edd has room for all of his Cola.

Matt has room for all of his mirrors.

I have room for my harpoon gun, which I would keep in my room if I didn't throw it to the bottom of the ocean last week. I was mad.


The movie is finally over, it's time to go to bed. I hate sleeping, as great as it is, because of the dreams I have.
It's always the same; except someone different dies in the explosion every night.

"Matt, can I sleep in your bed tonight?" I asked. I feel safer around Matt anyway; it makes the dreams better.

"Of course. Are you feeling okay?" He asked, a worried expression on his face.

"Well, no, nothing's okay." I said, looking down at the floor.

"Okay, well, I'm going to bed now, do you want to? I'll stay up a bit if you want me to." He offered. See? This is why I feel safer with him.

"No, I'll come now." I said, shuffling towards his room.


I got under the covers, and Matt immediately wrapped his arm around my torso, pulling me closer.

"Matt, I'm still having the dreams, they- they don't stop, I don't know what to do-"

"Shh," He said, soothingly, "It's okay. You're fine. I'm here."

I cuddled closer to him, pressing my face into his neck.

"Thanks Matt," I mumbled into his neck, falling asleep.


"No, Matt!" I yelled, but nothing came out.
There was fire, and smoke, and a rocket; headed straight for Matt.
"NO!" I screamed, something finally coming out.
Then everything stopped; except it didn't. It was moving so slowly that you could barely tell it was. And then Matt spoke.

"Tom," he said, a confused look on his face, "It's your fault. You could've stopped it."

"No," I gasped, "No, no, no! Matt! I'm sorry, I should've done something.."

"But you didn't," He said coldly.

"Tord!" I yelled, "Take me instead!"

"Pathetic," Tord boomed down, "That's not how it works, friend. You can't stop it. Just stop trying."

And the rocket launched.

"Nooo!" I yelled.

"Tom?" I awoke to Matt shaking me. I was sweating, but cold, and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Matt, you're okay!" I wrapped my arms around him, and just sat there hugging him, for maybe 5 minutes.

"Tom, I think you should see someone," Matt suggested.

"No, it's just dreams," I said, pulling away. "I'll be fine. Let's go back to sleep.

A/N: Wow, first chapter. Thanks for reading???

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