Taehyung - Outburst

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Genre: Fluff/Angst

Please excuse spelling mistakes, I didn't recheck this.


"Tae honey, you can't stay in the shower forever, you've been there for an hour now." I say as I knock gently on the bathroom door again. I keep my voice calm and smooth so I don't tick him off even further, especially after the rough day he's had.

"Leave me alone." Comes a short and quiet reply from inside the bathroom and the noise of the running water gets even louder than before. I swear, he's gonna use up all of the water.

"Tae, if you don't talk to me then I won't be able to help you, and I want to help you. Please open the door oppa." I beg, hoping that he will open the door after I called him oppa.

"I don't want your help." He replies again, making me groan and roll my eyes.
He can be such a kid sometimes.

I barely have any more energy left to convince him. I don't even know what happened to him. He just came home, slamming the door shut behind him and has been in the shower for an hour. He won't talk to me and keeps shooing me away.

I'm about to turn around and leave him alone when the bathroom door suddenly opens and a wet and shivering Taehyung steps out.
Why is he shivering? Was he showering in cold water?

He shoves past me and grabs his large hoodie and sweatpants and puts the on quick and aggressive movements and then stomps out of the room.
Where is this boy going now?

I follow him out and into the kitchen where he starts rummaging through the fridge.

"Tae, what are you doing? Do you need something?" I ask and put one hand on his shoulder, but he yanks my hand away. His action leaves me confused and somewhat hurt.

"Where's the damn yoghurt?" He growls.

"Taehyung, language please." I scold him. He knows I hate it when he swears or uses harsh language.

"Shut up and just tell me where the stupid yoghurt is!" He turns around yells at me, making me jump.

"W-we ran out." I reply meekly. He's making me scared now.

He clicks his tongue and scoffs before rushing past me and dropping himself on the couch. He buries his head in the pillows.

"I can go and buy some for you if you want." I offer.

"I don't want it anymore. Go away." His voice comes out muffled since he doesn't lift his head up from the pillows.

I sigh and walk towards the couch and bend down in front of him.
"Tae, I-" I begin but am cut off harshly when Taehyung suddenly sits up and pushes me back a little, making me fall backwards.

"Are you thick or something?! I told you to leave me alone! Why do you keep bothering me?! I don't want anything but to just be by myself for five seconds without you nagging my head off!" He shouts before getting up and stomping back into the bedroom and slamming the door shut yet again.

But I'm still sitting on the floor, not believing the events of the last minute.

Taehyung has never been this angry before. And he has certainly never hurt me before. His push wasn't so hard to actually do some damage, but it still hurt me emotionally.

And I don't know if it's anger mixed with any other emotion but I get up hastily with tears in my eyes, grab my jacket and dash out of the house. I take big and aggressive steps towards the grocery store and quickly purchase a few packets of strawberry yoghurt.
Why am I even doing this?

I keep wiping my falling tears as I make my way back home. I drop the yoghurt on the coffee table in front of the couch and finally let out a breathy sob I've been keeping in this whole time. My legs fail and I stumble on the couch and start crying softly and quietly.
Millions of questions and emotions run through my mind but I eventually block them out and wipe my tears off with quick movements of my fingers.

I shouldn't be acting so silly. He's probably had such a bad day and I'm making it worse. Maybe he'll calm down after a while of being alone.

With that slightly reassuring thought in my head, I rise to my feet and walk towards the kitchen to grab a drink.
After gulping down a cool glass of water, I feel better and so much more relaxed.

But when I turn around, I'm surprised when I find Taehyung right behind me with red eyes and messy hair. He immediately rushes into my arms and hugs me tightly, almost too tight.

But I still hug him back. He starts placing butterfly kisses on my neck, all the way to my cheek and finally faces me. His swollen features are a clear sign that he's been crying. I run hand through his soft brown hair and wipe the wetness from his eyes before placing a gentle kiss on each eyelid.

"Did you buy the yoghurt?" He asks in a small voice, the complete opposite from hid earlier loud and harsh tone.
I simply nod and he responds by closing his eyes and letting out a long guilty sigh.

"I'm sorry for acting out like that. There was this new choreography that we had to learn today and I couldn't get the moves right even when Jin and Namjoon hyung could. Everyone was scolding me and I ended up feeling really frustrated. I never meant to hurt you jagi." He whispers in his usual deep voice, indicating that he's exhausted and sleepy.

"It's o-" I begin but he cuts me off again.


He pulls me towards him again and rests his head on my shoulder, "It's not okay. I'm sorry."

The mere tone of his words reflecting his guiltiness and innocent sincerity has me swooning and a huge smile spreads on my face.

I kiss the side of his temple and hug him even tighter, "It's okay. I love you."

Ugh sorry if this is crappy. Everything is kinda tiring me out these days so I never really have the energy to try and write anything without falling asleep in the middle of it. Please forgive me. I'll try to do better next time.

Thank you so much for reading!

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