Yoongi - Brakes

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Genre: Angst


I yawn and feel my eyes getting filled with tears. I glance at the clock and it's almost 10 p.m. I look down at my chubby baby girl finally sleeping in my aching arms. I've been rocking her for about an hour now. I love that she's chubby and healthy, but it does make it hard for me.
She's a toddler yet she still sleeps in my arms.

I slowly get off my chair and gently place my little bundle in her adorable and small pink bed.

"Jagi." I jump and quickly turn around but manage to hold my surprised yelp in. I see Yoongi with an apologetic smile on his face. He's wearing his favourite black sweater that I bought for him.

"Sorry for scaring you." He whispers, noticing our sleeping daughter.

I let out a sigh of relief and walk into his open arms. He gently pecks my lips and holds me by my waist.

"I want coffee." He suddenly says.

"What? Now?" I ask and he nods cutely.

"Yoongi, I can't make coffee right now and I'm too lazy to go to a shop. Besides, won't all the shops be closed by now?" I mumble, resting my head on his chest and closing my eyes as I listen to his calm heartbeat.

"I'll take my chances, I'm just really craving some strong coffee." He insists and sways me softly, giving out a relaxing feeling.

"Who will watch C/N?" I say as I shiver a little from cold but he immediately hugs me tighter.

"I've called Hoseok over, he's downstairs."
Wow, this guy is serious about his cravings, planning everything out... I'm pleasantly surprised by my sloth husband.

I sigh in defeat and mutter a distorted 'fine' because my face is pressed against Yoongi's chest.

He chuckles and plants a chaste kiss on my forehead and then holds my hand, taking me downstairs. We bid Hoseok goodbye but not before I give him a 15 minute lecture on what to do in any situation with C/N, even though he's done it a lot before.

I decide to drive, hoping that it will take my sleepiness away.

*continuation with Yoongi's POV*

We're driving in silence when I realise that Y/N is going the wrong way. She's heading to a less populated area and it keeps getting quieter.

"Jagi, you're going the wrong way." I say and glance over at Y/N. She seems a little uncomfortable and scared and she's gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Yoongi, do you trust me?" She suddenly asks, taking me completely by surprise.

"Yes, I do. But why are you asking that?" I say.

"That doesn't matter. Just follow my instructions on what I'm going to tell you okay?" She says and I notice the speed getting higher.

"O-okay." I feel really uneasy.

"Unlock you door." She says.


"Yoongi, please just do it before the speed gets higher!" She yells and I flinch a little.

"Y/N, what's going on?" I ask and she lets out a strangled breath.

"The break of the car has failed."

Oh God.



This cannot be happening...

"That's why I'm telling you to jump out while the car is still at a moderate speed. Please just do it!" She begs.

"But what about you?!" I scream, now feeling terrified as I feel wetness in my eyes.

"Open the goddamn door!" She yells.

I reluctantly open my door and feel the gush of air come in. Y/N suddenly unbuckles my seatbelt.

"No, wait! What about you?!" I yell and grab her hand.

"I'll be fine. Just please, jump." She sobs.

"Jagi don't do this..."

And then she suddenly turns her gaze towards me and I look at her big tearful eyes looking at me with desperation and fear,

"Take care of C/N yeobo, I love you." She says and pushes me out of the car. I land on the hard ground, hurting my shoulder a little and keep rolling until finally coming to a harsh stop. I cough and shut my eyes as pain explodes through my body and a feeling of tiredness washes over me.

But my eyes shoot open when I hear a loud crash.

I open my eyes to see our car, crashed against a tree, with smoke coming out of the front.

"Y/N!" I scream and stumble on my aching legs, running towards the car with my leftover strength. And the sight that awaits me, is one I'll never forget.

It scars me for life, as I gaze upon my beautiful wife, chillingly unmoving.

I unbuckle her seat belt and quickly take her out of the car, laying her in my lap and struggling to find any source of life inside of her.
I caress her pale face with my trembling hands, her blood staining them. I check her heartbeat, hoping to feel the familiar thuds I feel when I used to hug her but I'm instead met with a cold and disturbing stillness.


"I'm sorry." The doctor apologises again but I never respond, still clenching Y/N's soft hand in mine.

"Mr. Min, it appears that your wife was expecting."

I'm sorreh, I'm so mean 😭 thank you for reading!
Another update, just to show my love for my readers after a long delay. 💓

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