You again

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A/n: sorry im a day late but... IM GOING TO MAGCON TODAY!!! And btw this chapter is not edited at all


So its been a week since me and Sam made up and he hasn't noticed the scars. Ive been wearing a lot of bracelets and mostly long sleeved shirts but its winter so its kind of cold but its La so its not that cold.

Connor, Kian, Sam, Emma and i are at Panera eating lunch. They were all talking about something idk i was zoned out until emma tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to a table with two boys sitting at it.

Madi: What?

Emma: do you not see who that is!?!?

'Shit' i thought to myself this is not good its Daniel my best... And my ex boyfriend Jesse. Yeah, yeah i know i said before I've only dated Sam and Kian but i lied.

Me an Jesse dated for a year and we were best friends that year was the happiest I've ever been i hate to say it but i was happier with him than i am with Sam (don't hate me). We broke up when he told me he had feelings for someone else... Her name was Paige shes your typical high school slut bag. The brake up wasn't bad, i understood, and we even stayed best friends. But once they started dating he changed everything about him changed. He used to be so rude but he was the nicest most caring person you'll ever meet. He didn't care what people thought about him, but at the same time cared to much. I used to be able to tell him everything he was the person i trusted the most he understood me we were both bullied him by the jocks, me by mainly Paige and the cheerleaders.

But then he started ignoring me and Danny and started hanging out with the popular kids. Eventually the jocks started picking on Danny instead and eventually me too. Every time they (including Jesse) walked by they'd call me a slut or tell me to kill myself. Sure i still loved Jesse i always will no matter what but one day he pushed Danny into a locker and called him something I'm uncomfortable repeating.

*Flash back*

Me and Danny were sitting at our lockers that are right next to each other.

Danny: do you want to come over

Madi: yeah sure let me text Connor

I picked up my back pack and grabbed my phone out and started texting Connor until Jesse and Paige walked by and she pushed my phone out of my hands and stepped on it. I was about to hit her when i saw Jesse push Danny into a locker.

Jesse: watch out ********

They started walking away but I couldn't take it so i called him back over

Madi: hey Johnson come over here... And leave the slut there

He started walking towards me with anger in his eyes.

Madi: Danny well be right back wait here

I grabbed Jesse by the wrist out the back door

Madi: what the fuck is wrong with you!!!

Jesse: what are you talking about

Madi: you know exactly what I'm talking about, your so much different now, the Jesse i knew would have taken a bullet for me or Danny and now your calling us worthless, telling me to kill myself, and pushing Danny into lockers!!

He try'd to cut me off but i just continued

Madi: i really just don't understand how you could chose a slut over your best friends. I think its actually kind of funny how you just left like that and forgot the two people who cared about you the most, the two people that would take a bullet for you. But i guess you're just that stupid

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