Chapter 8

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Laura's POV:

*The Next Day*

I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and threw the white cover off of me. I sat up and looked at Rydel and Vanessa.

They were still sleeping.
I got up and went to the main room. Ross was already up.

Ross: Hey sweets!

Me: Goodmorning.

Ross: What are you doing up so early?

Me: What time is it?

Ross: 6:30.

Me: Oh well. I'm not tired. What time do you leave for filming?

Ross: I leave at 7:45 so I can be there at 8:00.

Me: Oh.

Ross: I made extra breakfast. Do you want some eggs and bacon and toast?

Me: You made breakfast? Sure. I'll eat some.

Ross handed me a plate.
I took a bite.

Me: Not that bad.

Ross: Thanks.

Me: seem down.

Ross: Well I was just thinking about what you said yesterday. You don't trust me?

Me: Sorry Ross. I'm willing to give you a second chance, but you do lie a lot. And you really hurt me when you kissed Maia. Don't do that again.

Ross: Oh I'm sorry laur. (Hugged Laura) I never meant to hurt you. And if I do again I'll kill myself.

I dropped my fork.

Me: NO! Don't ever do that!

Ross: (laughed) I know I'm kidding.

Me: Geez.

*1 hour later*

Rydel and Riker both woke up. Then Vanessa. And Stormie.

Stormie: Ok Ross it's time to go.

Ross: Ok. Mom can you drive me?

Rydel: Why? Dude, you have a license.

Ross: But I...

Stormie: Ross its fine. I'll like driving you guys around. I never get to anymore.

Stormie and Ross left.

Me: Bye!

Riker: So what's up?

Rydel: The ceiling.

Of course I laughed at that.

Vanessa: (giggled) Laura you laugh at anything.

Riker: Laura what did the owl say about it's beack?

Me: Who Knows!

It was funny because it had 3 puns in it.

Rydel: You do laugh at anything.

Vanessa: Hey let's go see Ross at set during his break.

Riker: That's cool. Like you. (Winked)

Vanessa: (blushed)

Rydel/Me: ooooooo

Rocky walked in.

Rocky: Hey guys (rubbed his eyes and yawned)

Me: Hey rocky.

Riker: Oh did you guys here? Last night Ryland went back to L.A. because apparently he's allergic to something on the island. So grandma and gramps are taking care of him.

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