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So...if you read other GladionxReader stories or HauxLillie ones...I guess you know what will happen. Wink.

Your POV~

I dropped my malasada. "Hau!!!" Hau blushed. "What?" "That's so cuuute!!"*cue fangirling* "(Y/N)!" Hau said. "I meant it!"

I went silent. "Seriously?" Hau looked surprised. "Um, do you not approve of it? I-I mean i-its okay.." I slapped Hau jokingly. "Of course I approve of it! Do you know how long I've been fangirling about you and Lillie?" I cried, sensing tears in my eyes(like a proud momma). "The only thing is...Gladion"I continued in a dark tone. "Shit." Hau said. "I forgot about him." I laughed. Who knows what Gladion would do to Hau? 

But as if Fate, Coincidence or just pure luck acted, Gladion appeared in the shop. He noticed me and Hau sitting down at a table, and strolled towards us. "(Y/N). Hau" Gladion acknowledged, with a nod of the head. Hau rubbed his neck awkwardly. I coughed. "What is it?" Gladion seethed. I imagined what I could do at this moment...I could be evil, or good.

"Gladion. Hau has something to tell you, so I'll go out."I said sweetly.

Yeah.I was being evil. Hopefully it would work out.

Hau's POV

Gladion stared at me. "What?" 

"U-U-Uh...n-nothing!"I stammered. Gladion glared at me. "I know you're up to something. I trust (Y/N)." This was my chance. "So, you trust (Y/N)? Oooh."I teased. Gladion suddenly went red. "Of course I do! She's my friend!"

I leaned closer to Gladion."Friend? Or....more?"I whispered. Gladion went beet red. "You know, I can't wait until your kids with (Y/N) grow up. I'd love to be an uncle!" "S-Stop!"Gladion stuttered. "By the way" I added, "I think I'm going to ask Lillie out!"

Blame the malasada. It was the malasada. I swear, malasada gets me drunk-but its addicting. Meh, who cares.

Gladion slammed me against the wall."What did you say?" "T-That I l-like Lillie!" Gladion's green eyes stared into mine. I was starting to choke because of his grip on my neck. That guy is strong! Thankfully, (Y/N) came back inside before Gladion could do anything else. (Like stop me from eating malasadas. That thought made me pout.) 

(Y/N) suddenly ran and tackled into Gladion. 

Gladion's POV

Something tackled into me. I looked up, and it was (Y/N). She started to scream at me. "GLADION! DON'T HURT HAU LIKE THAT! LET LILLIE BE WITH HIM! DON'T THINK I'LL SPARE YOU JUST CAUSE YOU'RE HANDSOME-" She blushed, realising what she said. I think I was beet red. Does she really think I'm handsome? Would she have a crush on me then?

But then I realised.

(Y/N) was straddling me, and I was on the ground, while Hau was sniggering. (Note to self:Pulverise the guy.)I swear we both went a shade redder. "(Y/N)...can you get off me?"I asked. (Y/N)'s eyebrows went up, and she rubbed her neck before she got off me. "S-Sorry."she stammered, with that cute expression of hers. "OhmyArceusohmyArceusohmyArcueus"Hau started to, what did they call it?, fangirl. I faced (Y/N). "Don't worry, I enjoyed it." I felt awesome, for a second, before realising what I said. "SHIT!"

Your POV

Gladion's hands were obviously sweating.Mine were too. Did he ACTUALLY say that? Oh my Mew. I could feel my face redden. Gladion sprinted to Hau, nearly knocking him over. "IgiveyoumypermissiontodateLillie!"he yelled in his face before running away. 

Hau walked up to me. "Well, at least he let me, right?" I was speechless. 

Lillie's POV

"(Y/N) saved you?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. I started laughing, laughter turning into howls. "You're not MAN enough!"

"Hey, at least I had the guts to date you before I asked Gladion. I mean, who would do that?" Hau grumbled. "True" I said. "But now, we need to set up(Y/N) and Gladion up." 

We tiptoed in front of Gladion's room.

Gladion's POV
I sighed. Today was a total disaster. Not only I let Hau date my sister, but now (Y/N) knows my feelings for her.
Whoever's up there, Arceus, please stop. I already have a crazy mother and a runaway dad. Yay. Woo.
Would I have Hau as a brother in law?
I know I'm avoiding the topic of thinki ng about (Y/N).
But I guess theres no harm in...asking her out..right? Since she knows.
"Gladiolius Aether, you will ask (Y/N) out tomorrow." I vowed, slamming my hand on the table.
I CAN do it.
But do I have the guts to?

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