Contracted Love - Chapter 05

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You guys were rubbish at getting 10 comments. In fact, you only got seven! I did however get 13 votes which mad me so happy. Anyway, I have given in so I present to you, Chapter Five. Let me know what you think and this time, I definitely won't update until I get 10 comments and votes on this chapter.  Oh, just one last thing, this chapter is dedicated to LisetteNess for her constant support.

 My dream disappeared, replaced with a loud knock on a door somewhere in the distance. Groaning and squeezing my eyes shut tighter, I tried to make it disappear. Instead of returning to my blissful sleep, I heard Liam somewhere closer mumble something like “Come in.” Giving up when the door swung open with a cheery “Good-morning.” I opened my eyes to find Marc in the doorway and Liam going into the bathroom.

“What do you want?” I groaned as I sat up on my elbows, glaring at Marc.

“You always used to be a morning person.” Marc said with a fake puppy dog face.

“Sorr-ee.” I said rolling my eyes. “What do you want kind young sir and how may I help?” I asked, each word dipped in sarcasm and dripping in mockery.

Marc smiled at my joke and walked over. “Here.” He said handing me a wrapped present and I raised an eyebrow, sitting up properly. “Open it.” He said biting his lip to hold back a smile and I laughed, sliding my nail under the tape. “Actually. Wait.” Marc said putting his hand over mine. “Lucy, babe, she’s opening it.” He yelled out and before I knew it my sister was in the doorway. I narrowed my eyes at both of them before continuing my unwrapping.

“You idiot.” I said shoving Marc off the bed when I  discovered he’d brought me a box of Kleenex. “Well, I’ll be gone till christmas so I thought just in case.” He said laughing on the floor as Lucinda was bent over in the doorway. “Thanks.” I said, unable to stop myself from laughing either.

Suddenly though, I was the only one laughing and when I looked up, my smile quickly disappeared, my eyes widening in shock and my cheeks reddening instantly.

“This is a joke isn’t it?” I asked as I and the other two watched Liam walk from the bathroom to the drawers, only in his boxers.

“It was. You know, till I realized the whole family was in here.” He said as I balled up the throw from the end of the bed and sent it his way.

Lucinda and Marc gave me a suggestive look before excusing themselves quickly, pulling the door behind them and suddenly I was laughing again.

“What’s funny?” Liam asked tugging a t-shirt over his head.

Biting my lip I put on an innocent face. “I have NO idea what you may mean?” I said holding another laugh back. Before I knew it though, Liam was tickling the bottom of my feet and I was laughing and kicking uncontrollably. “Stop!" I wheezed as I laughed. "Stop! Liam!” I whined now laughing harder, tears actually rolling down my cheeks.

“Okay. Tell Me.” He said sitting back.

“Okay.” I said still smiling. “I embarrassed myself in front of you but you had an audience and that's really funny, especially when I did it accidentally but you did it on purpose.”

Liam shook his head with a light chuckle. “Okay. Now, when are you getting up?” He asked causing me to roll my eyes and flop back. “We don’t have to be at the church till three so not for ages.” I said dramatically as I snuggled down.

“Okay.” He said flopping down next to me and facing me. After a minute of silence, just staring at each other he smiled. “You gonna tell me why there’s a box of Kleenex on the floor?” He asked and I scrunched up my nose.

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