Contracted Love - Chapter 17

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  • Dedicated to To everyone because everyone deserves to be loved

Is it possible to injure yourself typing? I'm not kidding, I had a sudden burst of excitment so sat down to type like crazy and now my wrist hurts. It's not like I play sport so I can only think excessive typing would be the cause. You think I'm crazy? Yeah, sorry about that. Anyhoo, Here's my Valentine's Day chapter. Unedited because I was too excited to just post it bu you don't mind. Enjoy.

 “Yeah, Okay, thanks.” I said with a smile to the lady on the phone just as Liam walked into the kitchen.

 Hanging up, I handed Liam his coffee as I picked up the paper.

 “So, peonies?” He asked with a smile.

 “Well, it’s a day of love and I love B.” I shrugged.  “Plus, it’s been ages since she got flowers. When we were in college and practically brooke, she would bake the florist cookies so her would give her the old flowers. We always had flowers in the apartment.” I told him.

 "So B's getting flowers today?" Liam asked.

 "Yeah. Hopefully she's at work when they deliver them." I said, drinking my coffee cup. "I'm going to head for a shower." I told him, putting my cup in sink.

 "Okay, we'll hurry up or we'll be late." Liam called after me.

 I quickly jumped into the shower before dressing in knit skirt and champagne blouse. Slipping into my heels, I looked at myself in the mirror.

 Deciding I wanted to do my hair in an up do once again, I stood at the bathroom sink, bobby pins and fine comb, my hair every where.

 "That look suits you." LIam smirked and our eyes meet in the mirror.

 "I wanted to wear in up again." I shrugged, sliding another several bobby pins in.

 "I like it down." Liam smiled, stepping into the bathroom.

 "Why do you have flowers?" I asked, quickly spinning around as soon as I spotted the bouquet of red roses.

 "They were just delivered." Liam said looking at me with amusement.

 "Okay, give me a sec." I told him before bending over and combing my fingers through my hair, undoing all my hard work and causing at least fifty bobby pins to fall to the tiles.

 "You done?" Liam asked with a smile when I stood up straight again.

 "Hang on." I told him, grabbing the tin of hair mousse and squirting some onto the palm of my hand. I quickly massaged it into my roots before turning to Liam with a smile.

 "There, I'll wear it done." I told him, excitedly reaching out for my roses.

 "You look good all the time." Liam told me, handing over the roses.

 "Card, card?" I mumbled, my fingertips brushing the tops of the roses as I searched for the card and plucked out the said crisp white envelope.

 "Dearest Katherine, You know how much I like a little game and today is no exception. I've come up with a list of five things for Liam to complete before midnight tonight.  Liam cannot know what's on the list though. I love you and hope you have an exciting day. Love always, B xo." I read out pound, smiling as I read each and every single word.

 “For real.” Liam asked and I handed him the card, pulling the list of five out of the envelope.

 Liam list of Five things to do:

1. Buy you Chocolates (Mint or Strawberry truffle)

2. Give you a heart lollipop

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