Chapter 9

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A/N: Don't know if I should put a trigger warning or not... This chapter was quite painful to write, but I'll get into it at the, enjoy now I guess!


"Oh, what would I give to have Josh on my side like that!" Vegan exclaimed dramatically while him, Lee and I walked to the library.

We managed to get ourselves detention because we haven't done our chemistry homework. I wasn't too bummed about it though. I was with Vegan and Lee in this and all we had to do was organize the new books in alphabetical order according to the authors.

"I mean, but really..." Vegan continued.

He was pretty amazed how things went down in the cafeteria yesterday. Apparently he never saw Josh using his 'power' in this school either.

"I was like ready to go there and defend you an everything when the whole room just froze as he stepped in." He went on.

"It wasn't really fun for me." I said.

Although no one dared to attack me straight forward like Abigail did yesterday, I could see people looking at me like I was some kind of a creep. Some thought that Hannah did made it all up, but the ones who were under Abigail's influence were still die-hard death staring me.

Rumors were going around the school about me and I didn't know if Abigail's way or the silent bullying was worse.

There were rumors about Josh going around too. He didn't seem to care and I never knew how he did that. I wish I had his confidence. Just a little bit of it.

"Well, now I knew why no one wants to get on Josh's bad side and why he has the title of the schools king." Vegan said ignoring me.

"But how did he get that title?" I asked.

I looked at Vegan first who shrugged. Of course he didn't know, he started going to this school in the second semester last year. Josh was already the famous Josh Franceschi back then, so I looked at Lee hoping for answers.

"Why are you looking at me?" He asked.

"You've been going here since the beginning of the freshmen year. You should know how the fuck did he became popular in less then a month in his first year." I said losing my patience.

"Correction, you're his best friend. You should know how the fuck did he get popular in less then a month in his first year." Lee told me and I sighed.

"The thing is that he doesn't know either." I said.

Lee let out a chuckle. "Yeah, right."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" My tone went into the defensive mode. I hated when I did that because it often prevented me from getting information out of people, but I couldn't help it.

"Nothing." Lee brushed it off as we entered the library.

"Oh my fuck!" Vegan exclaimed.

"Jesus, Matt!" Lee looked at him.

"There's so much books!" He continued his tirade. "There's no way we're finishing this before nighttime!"

"There's still no reason for you to yell!" Lee yelled. "This is a goddamn library!"

"Who cares? I hate books! There's no one around anyways!" Vegan yelled.

"Shut up!" I jumped in. "Both of you. The sooner we start the sooner we'll be over with it."

I stepped towards the huge pile of books on the floor and started picking up the one's who's author's names started with an 'A'.

Vegan joined me first. "Man, I hate books." He whined.

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