Chapter 27

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Josh P.O.V

Through my blurry vision I watched Oli as he ran out of the hallway. I could actually feel the pain in my chest as my heart shattered in a million pieces. My eyes just kept producing tears and I was pretty sure I was shaking as it physically hurt not run after him.

I couldn't though. I knew him and I knew if I followed him now I would just make things worse. That's why I said tomorrow - that tomorrow I'm gonna explain everything. I meant it. I didn't care if Abigail is gonna give me out, I didn't care what my parents are gonna think, I needed to tell him. I should've done it the very first time I found myself in all this.

I leaned against the wall letting myself slide to the ground as I clenched my jaw trying not to scream or punch the wall behind me.

'I love you. I've loved you my whole life. So please don't take it for granted and break my heart tomorrow.'

As much as I wanted to think that I'd never do anything to hurt him, that I'd rather die then make him suffer, I knew I'd be lying to myself if I did think that.

Oli has been in my life since I've been aware of existence, he was a huge part of my life - he was my life. He was my other half - my better half, and I loved him more than I even loved myself. That probably wasn't a good point considering the only thing I felt for myself right now was hate.

He's given me a chance to explain myself - even though I didn't deserve one - that's the kind of person Oli was. And I couldn't even begin to explain how much it hurt to know that I was about to break his heart tomorrow.

I inhaled sharply finally bothering to whip my tears away.

Maybe if I had told him before he would understand. Perhaps he would be in a good enough mindset to forgive me, but now... I am going to lose him. Forever. Just like Max had warned me.

Before another wave of tears could escape my eyes I heard slow, light footsteps echoing through the long tiled hallway.

I knew right away who it was, I could recognize the echo of her heels anywhere, and suddenly heath struck me like lightning. I jumped to my feet that very second as hate and anger streamed through my blood.

As I turned to the side she was standing right in front of me. Her light brown almost shiny hair was falling down to her back in a straight line and her flawless pale white face was looking at me in absolute disapproval. Her thin pink lips were slightly curled into a frown and her dark brown eyes held something between satisfaction and sympathy - if that even made sense.

''Oh and what did you do that for Joshua?'' She looked at me like she felt bad, but there was something so cheerful in her voice that made me want to smash her face into the wall.

I clenched my fists tightly then crossed my arms on my chest. As much as she deserved to be punched, I will not hit a girl. Especially because I knew my lack of self-control would only play in her favor. You don't fight evil by giving into its ire no matter how right it feels in the moment.

''I'm gonna tell him, Abigail.'' I said harshly. ''I am going to tell him everything. You can't stop me. I don't care about your threats, I don't care about the consequences... you won't stop me from telling the truth. Not again.''

She laughed in my face. ''And what? You think its gonna make everything better? God, you little faggots are hilarious. You had your chance, but you blew it. He's never gonna be with you again. He's not even gonna be your friend anymore. I don't have to do anything idiot. I wanted to ruin you, but apparently you're quite capable of doing so all by yourself.''

''Why are you so occupied with my life anyways?!'' I yelled. ''And if you wanted to ruin me, then why did you go after him?! This is gonna hurt him more than me and he's done nothing to you!''

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