Where it all began

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I'm walking down the hallway, when a force slams me into the lockers. I fall to the ground. I look up to see the face of my bully, Skylar. Her blond hair in her face, as she looks down at me. She kicks me in the gut. More kids gather around. Fight, fight, fight, They chant.

"You're just gonna take it?" Skylar shouts. She kicks my face, then stomps on my back. My lip splits open. I see the pool of blood in front of me.

Suddenly, it stops. There's a figure in front of me, yelling at her. I can't hear what it's saying over the ringing in my ears. It's a guy, with brown hair, and a strong figure. It's her twin brother, Kyle.

I see the principal come into the circle, and he takes us to his office.

• • •

"What happened?" Mr. Turner asks.

"You see," Skylar starts, "Lauren here, decided to shove me, when I asked her to move out of my way-"

"Not true!" Kyle cuts her off, "She was picking on Lauren, yet again."

"Yes it is!" Skylar yells.

"Is that what I'm gonna see if I check the cameras, Skylar?" Mr. Turner asks. All of the color drains from her face.

"W-well, y-you see," She starts. Mr. Turner shoots her a look. She lowers her head. "No." She sighs.

"Thank you, Ms. Miller." He turns to me. "Now for you, Lauren, go to the nurse. We'll call your parents about the incident." I nod my head.

• • •

I'm at home, looking at my reflection in the mirror. My long, wavy, red hair, falls to my belly button. My green eyes, barely noticeable, thanks to the black eye Skylar gave me. I can't stop thinking about how Kyle came to the rescue a couple of hours ago. Why? I guess I'll never know.

• • •

The next day

I'm standing at my locker, looking for my biology book. I find it at the back of my locker. I close my locker to see Kyle approaching me.

"Hey," I say, "Thanks for saving me yesterday."

"No problem," He smiles, "I couldn't let my sister get away with being a fucking monster anymore."

Damn he's so hot. I want to just kiss him. He's so heroic. He is definitely good boyfriend material, I think.

"Wanna catch a movie after school?" He asks with a nervous expression on his face.

Play it cool, play it cool, play it cool, I think. "Sure!" I say. He smiles.

"Great!" He says. His face looks like he just won the lottery.

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