Missing Out

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The worst thing about being homeless? Seeing kids my age hanging out and having fun with each other and realizing how much I've missed out on in my life. It's funny how hard you think your life is until it gets harder. Then, you'll do anything to have your old life back.

•  •  •

Emma still needs to find a job. I'm working my shift right now. I promised her I'd help her look for one after my shift. I see Becky approaching me.

"You're doing great for someone who's new!" She smiles.

"Really?" I honestly wasn't expecting that. "I feel kinda awkward, I feel like I'm pretending to be an adult."

She laughs. "Everyone feels that way on the first day. It never really goes away." I giggle.

"My situation doesn't really make it any better." I say.

"I really couldn't imagine being in your shoes. You're honestly one of the bravest people I've met." She says with a serious tone.

"Thanks," I sigh, "I'm not that brave. I'm just," I think for a second, "making the best out of a bad situation."

She sighs. "Okay then." She takes a breath. "I came over here to let you know that your name tag is coming in tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks." I look to my right to see 3 boys from school. They're looking at me. Of course they are, the weirdest girl at school disappears for 4 months, only to turn up pregnant? That'd be an interesting story. I'd stare too.

•  •  •

It's 3:00 and my shift is over. Gotta help Emma get a job. She can't work at the grocery store, because we'll probably have the same shifts and there'll be nobody to watch Ava, Liam, and Noah.

We start at a candy store. She apparently wasn't "cheerful enough." What do you expect? She's been homeless for 2 years!

We go to a craft store next. She was "too needy" for them. Because apparently needing enough money to feed 3 kids, a pregnant teen, and herself is too needy?

"This is pointless." Emma sighs. "I'm never gonna get a job."

"You will." I try to encourage her. "We've just been looking in the wrong places."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes.

"Let's call it a day." I sigh. "We'll look more tomorrow."

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