Unfamiliar Surroundings

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I wake up. I have no idea where the hell I am. I sit up and look around me. I'm in a hospital room. My memory is still fuzzy. The last thing I remember was punching Skylar in the face.

"You're awake!" I turn my head to see a nurse standing at the doorway. She walks up to me and places a hand on my stomach. "Your baby is fine."

"What happened?" I asked the nurse.

"You passed out from exhaustion." She said, avoiding eye contact.

"Who brought me here?" It started coming back to me. The running. The vomit. The fainting.

"A nice blond girl." The nurse looked at me and smiled.

"What's your name?" She asked, "First and last."

"Lauren McKinley." I said. She wrote it down. Left-handed, like me. "Can you bring the blond girl?" She nods. I lay back down in my bed.

"Well, well, well!" A voice says, but more happily than the last time I heard it.

Of course it's Skylar! I think. Why wouldn't it be?

I turn my head towards Skylar, who is smiling at me.

"Looks like you did sleep with my brother!" She chuckles, "And I thought he was lying."

"He was." I sigh.

"You cheated on him?" She starts to get angry.

"No!" I say defensively, "I'm not a monster like him!" It takes her a minute, but she eventually gets the hint.

"Did he," She stutters, "Did he rape you?"

I nod in tears. She runs over to the bed and hugs me.

"I always knew my brother was evil," She sounds as if she was gonna cry, "But not this evil!" A tear slips down her cheek. Her mascara comes with it.

"I don't know what to do!" I say while sobbing, "My parents kicked me out before I could tell them about the situation. The didn't even let me tell them that I was raped! I have nowhere to go! I'm homeless!" Skylar just sobs.

•  •  •

1 month later

Skylar brings me food every day. She lets me borrow some of her clothes. I haven't started showing yet, the nurse said that I would start to show at about 2 months, but only barely. So I basically have half a month left until people start judging me even more than they already are.

"Yo Lauren!" Skylar yells. "I have some more food for you! It's just some fruit."

She hands me a box of grapes, strawberries, bananas, and some pineapple. My mouth waters at the looks of it. She leaves and I nearly devour all the grapes as if I didn't just eat an hour ago.

Suddenly, I hear shouting. It sounds like Kyle.

"Skylar, I know you're hiding her!" Kyle yelled.

"Why would you think that?" Skylar defends herself, "If you hadn't noticed, I basically torture her every day!"

"I heard you yell her name!" He shouts.

"You must be going insane." She sighs.

"I need to see her." He says angrily, "We haven't spoken since we slept together! I want to make sure she didn't just use me!"

I see the angry expression on her face. It probably took all of her will power not to murder him right there.

"Well, she's not out here, so I can't help you." She walks inside.

He takes one final glance around his surroundings before he walks inside as well.

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