Happily ever after? I didn't think so...

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One year later

"Lauren, I want to do it." Kyle says.

We were in a hidden spot we found in the park about 1 month after we started dating.

"Kyle, I told you," I started, yet again. He's been trying to get me to have sex with him for months. "I'm not ready."

A look of rage crosses his face as he hits me.

I'm dazed. Did that just happen? I asked myself.

He pins me to the ground as he strips me naked.

Of all times I thought about how losing my virginity would go, I never thought it'd go like this. He stole the little ounce of innocence I had left. After it's over, he puts his clothes on.

"If you tell anyone," He hisses at me, "I'll kill you."

He walks away, leaving me there, naked. Dazed, I crawl towards my clothes and put them on. Then, I sit there and cry for I don't know how long, wondering what just happened.

•  •  •

Two weeks later

I'm in the shower, the water scalding hot. No matter how many times I rub my body with soap or wash my hair, I can never feel clean. I find myself in tears. I should've known this would happen. I should've known that he's no better than his sister. In fact, he's worse. I put myself together and get out of the shower.

It's not your fault, I think as I look in the mirror, It's his.

I haven't told anyone. Not even my parents. I have no friends, so there's not many people I could tell. Even if I did have friends, I wouldn't have told them anyway. They'd probably consider me a slut.

•  •  •

It's 8:30 AM. I wake up and run straight to the bathroom. I vomit into the toilet.

What a great way to ruin a Saturday! I think to myself.

I go back to my room and start wondering about what made me throw up. Then it hits me.

It's not like he used a condom! What if I'm pregnant? I think.

• • •

I go to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. The cashier gave me a weird look as she scanned my purchase.

I better get used to it, I think.

• • •

When I get home, I immediately run straight to the bathroom and take the test. After waiting 5 minutes, I looked at the test.

It was positive.

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