Chapter 1: The First Day

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I never thought I'd be here. Standing in the hallway of a high school, surrounded by people who don't know me, and smell like gym class... and it's just... wonderful. They all pass me by, giving me odd looks as I stand in the middle of the hallway, clutching my books tightly in my hands, a smile on my face, I guess they don't see smiles too often in high school.

The oddest part however, is that they'll judge me and talk about me behind my back, that's what teenagers do, but then when they die, they'll need me. As I look around at all the people, I know that one day they'll all be dead, and I'll be responsible for them.

There's the bell now, everyone's moving with such haste, parting from their friends, eyes glued to their phones, I really should get myself one of those. My first class is history, I was pretty good at it once, I think "you're late" you have no idea... this must be my teacher, bald, round and beady eyed.

"Sorry... I got sort of lost" everyone's staring at me...

The teacher looks down at a list on his desk "you must be the new student, uh... Raven, right?" His voice is bland, his glasses sit on the bridge of his crooked nose and his eyebrows cover most of his face.

My eyes look at all the people staring at me, expectantly waiting "yes, sir" I shouldn't bother to learn his name, they say that getting to know people is pointless, they say that all lives are fleeting and I will surpass them, I suppose they must be right, the voices.

"Great" he says in a bored tone, pointing to the only available seat "take a seat" and with that he turns back to the blackboard.

With a quick nod I slowly make my way to the back of the room, everyone's eyes still set on me until I'm out of view. I've never been stared at like that before, I thought they were going to eat me, I wouldn't be surprised if these kids turned out to be cannibals, in all honesty. I'm sat next to a plucky redhead with more freckles than I can count, and a boy who's drawing genitalia on his desk. Well, I wanted the high school experience, I guess I've got it.

Halfway through the lesson and the boy next to me has already fallen asleep, the redhead on my left is listening to her iPod and a blonde girl at the front of the class has answered nearly every question "and who was the sixteenth president of the United States?" Before he even turns around the teacher sighs and calls on the blonde girl, who's hand is desperately waving in the air "yes, Lilith"

"Abraham Lincoln" her voice is as eager as it has been since the first question.

Why did I want to come here again? I'm seriously struggling to remember, a boy in the second row is talking to his friend behind him, half the girls in cheerleading uniforms are playing with their gum, the boy next to me is still drooling, and the redhead is pretending her desk is a drum, even I'm bored!

Soon enough the bell rings and everyone rushes to leave, I don't blame them. As I'm leaving the classroom a girl with bright blue hair and thick black eyeliner walks next to me "nice outfit, black is the only colour in my wardrobe" her voice is surprisingly masculine and her nails have chipped black nail polish on them, she's one of the generic goth girls that I've heard about.

"Technically black isn't a colour. Neither is white"

"Well hello miss technical" she sings, waving her hands about "what's your next class?" Is she trying to be my friend? It doesn't seem like she has any, she was sat at the far end of my row, her feet up on her desk staring mindlessly out of the window.

My mind thinks back to my timetable "uh, math, I think"

Her face stretches into a gloomy smile "same, you can sit next to me. I'm Lizzie, by the way" she puts her hand out for me to shake and as we greet each other I tell her my name "duh I already knew that" she chuckles, her laugh reminding me of the sound of water.

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