Chapter 8: Lies And Explanations

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"So, are we ever going to talk about your disappearing act?"

"It's been a month and since you bring it up at least five times every week then I'm guessing the answer is, we already do" so yeah, it's been a whole month since I disappeared out of the ladies bathroom and Sebastian won't let it go, I've considered avoiding him, but in a strange turn of events he's gone from my resident stalker to my boyfriend. The point is, I can't avoid him without alienating myself from human interaction, which is one of the main reasons why I wanted to come to this stupid school in the first place.

He laughs at my attempts to avoid the subject like he always does "yeah, well, you never actually answer my questions"

I turn on my heel quickly, a look of warning in my eyes, in the hope that he'll back off "maybe because I don't want to tell you!" We've both just come out of detention, Sebastian and I were talking in a lesson with a teacher who actually gives a crap about what she's talking about. The hallways of the school are empty, and since we were the only two people in detention I'm guessing it's only us and a few members of staff left on the grounds, so there's no one around to hear us argue in case I let something slip.

"Why?! Are you a witch or something?" He's never pushed this hard before, I knew it was only a matter of time before he exploded with questions.

I laugh as I walk away from him "or something"

"What does that mean?"

"Just drop it, Seb"

"No, tell me, Raven! What happened that day? You can tell me, I'm your boyfriend..."

"I said drop it!" I shout, turning around again and glaring at him, the sound of footsteps approaching makes me turn around to see the jocks, I guess they had practice today.

At the front of the pack is the one who hit Sebastian so long ago, his name is Lucas and he's a total dick, from what I've gathered "you and the missus having a spat, freak?"

Seb rolls his eyes and takes in a breath to calm himself, since I've been among the living I've found that I have quite a temper, and so does Sebastian, we fight a lot but always kiss and make up by the end of the day "this isn't your business, moron"

"You just made it my business" he walks closer, trying to intimidate Seb with his towering height and muscle, but Sebastian isn't scared, he keeps his eyes fixed on Lucas' and never looks away, he won't back down, even if it means ending up on the floor with blood on his shirt.

I attempt to push Godzilla away from Sebastian, but he only moves back about a step, which is enough for me to stand between them "leave us alone, Lucas, he's right this is between us" we might be arguing, but these guys know nothing if they think we wouldn't stand by each other against this Neanderthal.

He looks down at me and smirks "got your girl fighting your battles huh? I've always wondered about you two" he moves his attention from Seb to me "so what, did the creeper blackmail you into going out with him? Or is it just pity sex?" I bite the inside of my lip to try and keep myself from grabbing his heart and squeezing, people always make assumptions about us and I hate it, Sebastian and I have laid in the same bed but we only talk, we haven't actually slept together yet because I know I wouldn't feel it, which would be worse than when I don't feel it when we kiss.

"Shut your mouth asshole!" Seb yells with his finger pointed, someone accidentally spilled a non toxic chemical on me in chemistry and he threatened to feed them their eyes, if this gets worse I don't know who will end up in a hospital bed... I have to do something to stop Seb from going too far.

Lucas ignores him and wraps his arm around my waist while he speaks, and his friends block Sebastian from pulling me away "well if you're giving it away to your creepo stalker why don't you throw a little bit of it my way" his smirk is sickening as I try and push myself away from his grasp. That's it, he's going to try it on with me, I can see it in his eyes, this is going too far and I need to stop it before someone gets hurt.

So I stop struggling and close my eyes, I slip into the ghost dimension and appear in my physical form behind him, at the other end of the corridor "I wouldn't touch you with a sledgehammer" I close my eyes again and jump in front of him, his eyes dart to me with a panicked expression "boo!"

His scream echoes throughout the corridor as I reveal my Reaper form, something I left out in my life story, it's really weird but I guess it's where the classic depiction of Death comes from. So when he sees my face go from the innocent teenage girl to the horrifying skeleton beneath, and then open my mouth wide while I roar at him, you can understand his terror. Almost like a flash him and his friends run as fast as humanly possible out of the school, when I turn around to look at Sebastian I let him see my Reaper side before turning back to the face that he knows and loves "I hope this answers your questions"

His mouth falls open in shock while he nods slowly, I'm surprised that he's not running away like the others "what are you?" He says with half of a shock horror tone, and half of a calm tone.

"I'm dead"


"Well, more specifically I'm an Angel of Death, there are lots of us" I can tell by the look of complete bemusement on his face that he's not following, I smile half heartedly and take his hand, leading him out of the school. I walk him to a nearby play park which is nearly always empty, we come here sometimes so I know he'll be comfortable.

We sit on the swings and I start to explain myself to him, so far I don't think he believes me "look" I take his pointer finger and middle finger and place them on my wrist "see, no pulse"

"So... that's why you're so cold all the time"

I nod slowly "I pretend to breathe, and eat, but I guess I'm not really here, so I don't have to"

Now I've lost him again, he grabs my hands and rubs the back of them with his thumbs "how can you not be here? I can feel you"

"But I can't feel you" I whisper "I don't know how it works, all I know is that I'm a Reaper"

He lets go of my hands slowly, as if it's an attempt not to offend me "how... how did you die?"

"I was wondering when you'd ask that" I hate talking about it "I remember my death in great detail, and honestly it's disturbing... took me years to deal with it" he looks at me expectantly, I'm avoiding the story "it was like Lizzie, only it was my whole family. We were driving to visit my grandparents, my big brother Lewis was picking on my little brother Will, and my dad turned around to try and stop them... he didn't see the van. It came out of nowhere. He swerved and the car tumbled for what seemed like forever, glass was flying everywhere and everyone was screaming until we stopped upside down. The petrol was leaking out of the car, I remember listening to it patter on the floor, trying to distract myself from the blood dripping down my little brothers head. And then... I could feel the fire against my skin as the car exploded, I remember every lick of the fire up until the second when I finally died"

When I look down I see Sebastian's hand resting on top of mine "I'm sorry that happened to you" he looks so sad, like he's expecting me to cry, I wish I could right now.

I guess I should come clean to him now, he only started stalking me because he believed that he saw me when he died, so now he needs to know that it's true "I met you when you died" his eyes light up, it must be a relief to know that he's not crazy "you were supposed to stay dead but there was something about you, a look in your eyes that I couldn't shake, so I pushed you back into your life. I broke the rules" the biggest rule...

"So... it wasn't a miracle? It was you" I nod, there's a wide smile on his face now, a great weight must have been lifted from his shoulders. I start to tell him everything about Reapers, how everything works, my father, Limbo, the Book of the Dead, all of it, and he's starting to take it really well.

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