Chapter 5: Valley Of The Shadow Of Death

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"Hey!" I've been avoiding Liz, I don't know what I could possibly say to her without telling her not to get in that car, but I can't, so I stay away "Raven!" She calls again as she pushes through the other people in the hallway "hey" she says as she grabs my arm to stop me walking "where've you been?"

Luckily for me (though not for the dead) I've had pretty heavy work days this week, so I've had to stay in Limbo to help the victims of a massive storm pass over. I came back today because my father would only grow suspicious "I was sick"

She raises an eyebrow but then shakes her head "whatever man, so listen there's this huge party at Lu's tomorrow night and we should totally go" that must be it, the party, she goes to the party and then... she doesn't go back home.

"Uh, no I can't, me and my dad are going to see relatives over the weekend" it's not a total lie, me and my dad will be seeing people over the weekend just not relatives, or alive people.

She chuckles that watery laugh of hers "right, your dad the funeral director" Liz has always been curious about my life ever since I met her, she's asked to come round my house, asked about what school I used to go to, what my parents do, where I used to live. The questions never stop so I had to make up some kind of story for myself "where does he work again?"

"It doesn't matter Liz, I can't go to the party" oh I'm gonna get into so much trouble for this, the voices will never let me hear the end of it and if father finds out I'll be toast... but I have to try "and you shouldn't go either, everyone will be drunk and there'll be no one to drive you home safely" yup, I'm toast.

Of course she thinks I'm just being stupid, or trying to parent her "alright Mother" she laughs "look I'm going and it's gonna suck if you're not there"

"Well then" I say with a small smile "I guess it's gonna suck" I can't go, I can't watch her get into that car.

During class I expect that Sebastian will stare at me like always, and I'm surprised when he doesn't. His eyes stay fixed on his notebook as he sketches and listens to his music. Maybe those punches to the head knocked some sense into him, or maybe he's just given up on trying to figure me out.

When the bell rings an idea comes to me, today is the last day that I'm going to be with Liz, we shouldn't have to spend it in school! So I grab her hand and drag her into the girls bathroom where no staff members can overhear us "we're ditching" I say with a large smile.

"What? Raven the tight ass wants to ditch?" Her lips stretch into a smirk and I punch her shoulder lightly.

I push out my bottom lip and widen my eyes, we can't spend today in school "pwetty pwease"

Hey eyes fill with a mischievous glow as she smiles and reveals her secret to getting out of the school, I'm not surprised that she knows. Now, while we escape I just have to think of what we're going to do today, it's her day today so she should decide "if this was your last day on earth, how would you want to spend it?" Subtle I know.

As we walk down the road away from the school she starts to think "hmm... theme park! Or the beach! Ooh ooh ooh I know! My mum used to take me to this park when I was little, we used to sit under the blossom tree and eat a picnic while we talked, that was before she died" my father remembers her mother, he said that she was scared to leave Liz behind, but was happy that she still had her father and aunt.

"We'll do it all!" I exclaim excitedly "we'll go on all the rides! Eat junk food, throw up on someone and then go to the beach, we'll build the best sandcastle and dance in the waves, then we'll go to the park and eat a picnic under the blossom tree!"

"Yes!" Dad gave me some money to buy clothes and stuff with, anything that would help me fit in, where he gets it all I couldn't tell you but all I do know is that it reaches into triple digits.

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