Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to The Beatles! :)

I stood in the middle of the street, dumbfounded.

"Well?" Paul asked, walking closer to me, so he was only about three paces away.

"I didn't-I didn't know you lived here." I stuttered, my stomach tying knots at how stupid I probably sounded. I looked up from my shoes at the sound of his voice.

"Then why are ye here?" He questioned, a sly smirk making its way to his lips.

"Because..." I trailed, not sure whether or not to tell him that I'm lost. That would simply add to my humiliation and he would surely tease me for it. "Well, you see..." I said, not sure how to put it. I needed help getting back home, and Paul seemed like the only one who could help. Only I didn't want it to come to this.

"Continue..." he said, almost in a knowing way. I looked around at the empty street, still deciding if I really wanted to ask the bastard for help. 

"I knew it! You wanted to see me, didn't you?" He said when I didn't reply. You can say whatever you want, but I know, that you are falling for me!" He crowed joyfully.

"Ew no!" I quickly defended. "I got lost on my way back home!" I said, finally deciding to say it.

"Sure you did." He sang. My goodness, how will I convince him that I'm actually lost and  need him to help yet want nothing to do with him at the same time? 

I stared at my shoes in impatience and embarrassment.  My cheeks were flushed but the streetlight didn't provide enough light for Paul to see. Or at least I hoped they didn't.

"So you got lost on yer way home, huh?" he finally said. I sighed in relief that he finally was cooperating.

"I'm pretty sure you just couldn't wait to see me again tomorrow at school so you came here instead of going home... but either way works..." He  finished with a chuckle. I let out an impatient sigh.

"So what do you want me to do for you?" He asked after a while, realizing that I didn't find him amusing at all.

"You don't have to do anything for me. Goodnight." I said, turning to walk away. I don't know what I was thinking when I actually considered him for help anyways. 

"Whatever. You just go on and roam the streets of Liverpool at this hour... alone. It was nice knowing you." Paul called after me sarcastically. I stopped in my tracks, realizing the truth to his words. I turned to face him in defeat.

Not sure what to say, I stood there silently as he blew the smoke out of his mouth as slowly as he could.

"So... where d'ya live?" He asked after a moment, walking over to me. 

"If I knew, I would be there right now."

"I meant the address, silly." Paul chuckled.

"Yeah, like I'm going to tell you!" I scoffed.

"Well, you can spend the night here, then." Paul said, a large smile spreading over his face. He laughed as a look of horror enveloped mine.

"Your choice." He sang, teasing me. I was silent, weighing the negatives for each situation. "And then, of course, there is the option of wandering the streets alone at night." He paused. "But I figure you want to spend more time with me anyway so you're not going with that one." He smirked.

I considered walking away from him then-just to spite him-but that would get me into a bigger mess probably, so I just stood there. "Okay." I said after a while.

"Okay, what?" Paul prodded with a proud smile glued to his lips.

"Are you spending the night here, or are you going to tell me where you live so I can take you home?" he said after I didn't answer his original question.

"17 Parkinson Road." I breathed in defeat. 

"Okay." he said, smiling smugly. "I'll be right back." He said as he squished his burnt out cigaret butt with his heal. He turned around and jogged over to a cute little brick building. He pushed open the gate to the front yard and ran around to the back of the building. 

I am desperate. I thought as I stood alone in the street. 

It didn't take long before I heard some rattling and looked up to see Paul dragging a bike through the front of the yard.

He stopped just in front of me and sat down on the seat. I stood in front of him, confused as to what I was supposed to do. 

"Well?" He asked after a moment. "Are you gonna get on?"

I sent him a confused look. 


"Well, you can either sit on my lap, on the little back flap, or the handlebars. Make your choice." He said with a grin. I walked around the bike, inspecting the back seat it looked too unstable for me to sit on it. And I definitely wasn't going to sit on his lap. 

"Handlebars." I said, walking over to the bike so I was just next to it. 

"Alright then." He said, from behind me. 

I pushed myself up with my arms and shuffled around on the bar to get used to it. I propped my feet up on the bumper of the front wheel and steadied myself with my arms, clutching onto the bar for dear life. And we weren't even moving yet. 

Paul reached his arms on either side of me, grabbing onto the handles. "You ready?" He said in a hushed tone.

"Yeah." I nodded as he pushed us off with his foot. He laughed behind me as he pedaled down the street. My hair blew back in the wind and I found myself laughing along. Slowly, my grip loosened from the bar below me and I threw my arms up in the air, feeling brave suddenly. Perhaps it wasn't bravery, just craziness.

Maybe I am crazy. I was riding home on the handlebars of someone's bicycle at who knows what hour of the night actually liking it and for once, finding myself not hating Paul McCartney. 

Omg please don't hate me!!! I know this chapter wasn't that good but I was going through writers block and it's been like two weeks since I last updated and I wanted to post something and ugh. Seriously, I am sorry. Oh yeah! I changed the cover since I got bored with the last one comment below to let me know if you prefer this one or the last one! :)

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