~Chapter 18~

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Perrie's POV
It's now April and Jade and I have yet to get back together. I mean, there's just something that keeps telling me to wait. Wait, wait, wait. That's all it says.

I can see that I have broken Jade's heart and it kills me to see her like this. She's been like this ever since that day she begged me to take her back, but I didn't.

Did I ruin her life? Am I the bad guy? I don't know what to think.

Right now, we're at school getting ready for the pep rally. Tomorrow is prom, so we like to hype everyone up for it the day before.

The gym actually looks amazing for prom because I've seen it. The theme is Ball. Like, a ball. Fancy dance, big poofy dresses, ect.

Anyways. Its seventh period and the bell is about to ring. I'm so ready to get this pep rally started.

Once the bell rang, everyone shot up and ran out the class. I grabbed my bag and ran to my locker.

"Okay. We need to put everything away then go to the gym." Leigh said, opening her locker. "Yeah. I need you to do my hair for me." I said, putting my stuff away.

I closed my locker and once Leigh closed hers, the hall was dead silent. What is going on?

"Jade, what's wrong?"

Kayla. Ugh. Just thinking her name makes my stomach ache.

"No! Leave me alone!" Jade yelled. The halls have never been so quiet.

"What did I do, baby?" Kayla asked. Seriously, Jade? You moved on that fast?!

"Thanks to you, Perrie and I aren't together anymore! I'm heartbroken and there's no possible way for me to get her back! And I'm not your baby! Never has, never will be!" Jade yelled.

Kayla went to kiss Jade, but Jade scoffed and slapped her!

Everyone gasped as Kayla just stood there, dumbfounded. I winded my eyes at Jade's sudden outburst. Wow.

"Don't talk to me again! I mean it! Go hang out with Zayn or something! You ruined my life! Do you not realise how much Perrie means to me?! She's my everything and now she's gone! I hope you're happy because my entire world is away from me! Have a nice life!"

Right after she said that, she splashed her entire drink in Kayla's face. She threw the cup on the ground and stormed off, tears streaming down her face.

Everyone started laughing at Kayla, but I went to find Jade. Please, please don't do anything stupid.


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the short chapter, but the prom may be in the next chapter. Idk.

I hope you liked the chapter, though! Was it good? Any ideas? Because I have no idea how long or short this book will be. If you have any idea of what they should do after prom, let me know in the comments!

Thank you so much for reading. I love you guys so much!

xX~ Tiffany

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