Chapter One: Why Is Scooter At My House?

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Chapter One: Why Is Scooter At My House?

At 2:42 PM on a hot Friday afternoon I sat among the hot and sticky students of Oak-tree Academy in the last lesson. "And Class.. don't forget I want your Romeo & Juliet essays on my desk first thing Moday morning". Mr. Rhine shouted as the class began putting their books and folders away noisily.

The bell rang loudly as everyone bustled out of the class door and into the crowded corridor. I began to smile as my best friend Amy approached me.."Hey Emma"
"Hey, you ok?"
"Yeah, Thank god it's Friday" she sighed as we began to walk out of the huge green double doors and down the steps.
"I'll text you later" I shouted as we parted at the bottom of the school stairs.
"Okay" she smiled back at me

She caught the bus, but I was lucky enough to have a sexy boyfriend to take me home. I stood against his sleek black car that shimmered in the sun as I waited for him. The faint wind weaved through my hair cooling my scalp down

"Emma" A similar voice yelled from behind. I smirked as I turned around swiftly to see Jacob running towards me. He was wearing skinny jeans and a loose vest top that revealed his body when the breeze blew.
"Hiya babe" He cheered as a he reached me breathless from sprinting. He placed his hand softly upon my cheek and whispered sexily
"Wassup beautiful" A smile crept in the corner of my mouth as his fingertips cupped my chin and he pulled me towards his face.

Our smiles came together as we leaned in to kiss. He placed his other his hand firmly on my butt cheek and pulled me towards his juicy lips. His soft curly hair complimented his glistening brown eyes and his sexy dimples that sat next to his lips made me melt. He was more than perfection, and he was all mine.
"Where was you?" I questioned as I opened the car door
"Oh, I was walking with Luke, he's catching the bus" he stuttered
"Okay"..I climbed in the passenger seat and removed my sunglasses as I embraced the hot sunshine that shone onto my glistening face
"I'm so glad it's the weekend" I breathed deeply as I put my seatbelt on
"Same, I can't wait to chill out" he smirked as he looked behind him to check for traffic

He concentrated on the road as I turned on the radio and began to tap my feet.

"Am I dropping you off at your nana's or your mums?" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows and pulled out of the school gates and onto the main road.
"I'm at my mums tonight, she wants to talk to me about something, I dunno what" I said shrugging my shoulders and adjusting my position in the leather seats.

"Are you nervous? I'm always scared when my mum wants to talk to me" He joked
"Nah, it will probably be a promotion or something, nothing too excitin-" ...

Before I could finish my words, I noticed a limousine parked outside of my house on the driveway
"WHOAH" Jacob smirked as he leaned his arm out of the window and glared at the long car that took up two car spaces.
"Why is scooter here?" I gasped as I crossed my eyebrows and got out of the car

Jacob glared at me as I walked around the car and around to his window. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and yelled
"I'll text you later"
I approached the front step and took a deep breath in
"Are you sure you'll be ok, do you want me to come inside with you?"
"No, I'll be fine"
"Bye" I yelled
"Cya" he shouted as he drove off quickly


Why the fuck is scooter here? He hasn't visited us for like 3 years...Scooter is my uncle, we don't usually see him because he's from Canada. He only comes when something serious has happened, like when my dad had a heart attack he was here.

My heart raced as I reached for the door handle. I breathed in through my nose and out of my mouth as I proceeded to open the door. Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. I repeated in my head, trying to reassure myself.I threw my bag carelessly next to the stairs and slipped my shoes off quickly

"Emma, is that you?" My mum yelled from the living room
"Hmmm" I murmured back to her. As I gently pushed open the living room door I saw my mums smiling face trying to conceal her feelings. I sharply turned to my left to see scooter nervously sat on the edge of the couch smiling at me.


All of my memories hit me at once again. It was the exact same as when my dad had a heart attack and they were about to tell me. My back shivered at the thought and it felt as though my eyes turned to stone. I was stuck in the same time once again.

I snapped out of the zone and immediately remembered where I was.
"Why is he here?" I glared at her
"Don't be so rude to your uncle Emma!" my mum yelled..."Just sit down" she continued..
"We have something to tell you"


Photo of Scooters limousine parked outside Emma's house attached

A/N: Thankyou so much for reading this, I appreciate it very much!

I have always had a few ideas for a Justin fanfiction but I've never considered writing them up.. but here I am, writing it up... Haha. Anyway, please be sure to share this story with your friends.. Even if they aren't Justin fans! See if they would be willing to check it out because I've worked so hard on this story and I would hate to see it go nowhere.

I hope you guys are loving reading this as much as I am writing it!

My twitter is @fandomfucker

Please vote, share & comment your suggestions & what you think:)

More to come..

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