Table of Contents

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6th Grade Memories

1. How We Met, Nicknames, & the Invisible Watch

2. Love? No Way!

 3. Nicolay: The Ultimate Evildoer in 6th Grade

 4. Scared on the Stairs & Attack of the Sock Puppet

 5. The Bet

 6. Batman!

7th Grade Stories

1. Catchphrases and Fire

2. How Canada Became Jeffrey's Horse

3. The Tale of Elizabeth Courtyard OR How Jeffrey Got His Glasses

4. The Shoetanic and the Hissing Spider

5. Oh, Janitor...

6. Earbuds, the Plan & the Committee Council

7. Yogurt, Munchkins, Onion Rings, and Oreos

8th Grade Flashbacks

1. Catchphrases Galore

 2. The Discovery of Graphite and No More Joe

3. Jeffrey's Least-Favorite Movies

4. The Quest

5. Robots and the Cereal Bar Swordfight

6. The Quest 2

7. The Martian Flu

8. The Pringles Cup Elbow-Beard & La Cebra Fuego 

9. Marffroe, Traitors, Quotation Marks, & Raspberries

The Chronicles of JeffreyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora