The Monster - Chapter one

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Tuesday 3;45 p.m.

- Dinah walked up to a large building, her hands in her jacket pockets and her nervousness obvious. She took a shaky breath as she walked up to the unusually large doors, a large man held one open for her and she smiled a small smile. "Thank you." She said in small tone as she walked in.

A sudden feeling of uneasiness overwhelmed inside her, she felt as if she wanted to be sick. It was strangely quiet, she didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. There were large men standing beside every door, as if they were guarding something from getting in; or getting out.

That scared the blonde for some reason, but she shook her head, took a deep breath, and kept walking towards an elevator.

"Excuse me ma'am." A small voice called after her, Dinah spun around almost instantly and was suddenly face to face with a petite brunette. She looked as if she were in her early twenties, she was wearing a nurse uniform and had a small smile on her face.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but it's a policy to state your name and check if your on the visitor list, you also have to sign in." The woman said politely and Dinah only nodded. "O-Of course I'm sorry, I'm new to this." Dinah chuckled nervously, it's not that the woman made her nervous, it's that the setting of the place made her uneasy. The woman giggled lightly and nodded, "It's alright, no big deal." She said, shrugging slightly.

The young woman led Dinah to the front desk and sat down while Dinah stood across from her. "Name please?" She asked, "Dinah Jane, I'm here to see Lauren Jauregui." Dinah said and the woman froze, as if she had just seen a ghost or something. "U-Um y-yeah you're on the list." The woman said in an uneasy tone, "J-Just sign i-in while I get you a visitor pass." She ordered, the nervousness in her tone obvious to Dinah. "Sure." Dinah said quietly as she signed in on the clipboard while the young woman fumbled with a sticker.

"Here you go, now I have to take you to her, normally we wouldn't do that but she's in solitary confinement, and well, it's my job to." The woman explained as she handed Dinah a visitor sticker with her name on it. Dinah only nodded as she put the sticker on her shirt where it was visible. The nurse stood up and led Dinah to the elevator, "Ari cover the front desk!" The woman yelled out to another woman who was talking to someone by the stairs. "Alright!" She yelled out as Dinah and the nurse continued walking.

"Morning." A large man said with a smile on his face, "Morning Rob." The nurse said smiling as he pressed the elevator button to open the doors for them. Dinah only smiled nervously at him, not making direct eye contact. They stepped in and another man was in there, he was wearing the same uniform as all the other men who were working. "What floor?" He asked, "Top." The nurse ordered and the man froze. "Are you sure?" He asked and she only nodded. The man shrugged while sighing as he hit the button.

"I'm obligated to tell you that there can be no weapons, no cell phone, no physical contact of any kind, do not touch the bars, do not go near the bars, do not hand her anything except for paper." The nurse ordered sternly causing Dinah to gulp as the doors to the elevator opened and they walked out. "Do not accept anything she offers you." She ordered again. Dinah looked to the side where there was a large man holding another mans hands above his head. The man was speaking in tongues and Dinah felt as if she wanted to throw up.

The nurse glanced at Dinah and sighed, "Only use the food trays to give her anything, and do not offer her any personal information." The nurse said and Dinah only nodded while taking a deep breath.

They walked up to a room where three large men were standing beside the door, one of the men handed the nurse a clipboard, with a stack of papers clipped to it. "You need to sign a waver to enter, it's just the usual legal stuff. It states that you understand the risks of entry and in the event of involuntarily dismemberment, or disembowelment, you will not hold this facility responsible." She explained and Dinah gulped, she wanted to turn back but she knew she couldn't. She had to be here.

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