6-What Love Looks Like

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Axel's pov

Mm thank god mum had invited me for dinner tonight I was about to have chicken noodle soup for the 3rd day in a row

I pulled up and walked in no one was down yet and I heard mums music blaring she was still cooking for sure

Mums music wasn't soft and sweet no she listened to club music I grew up to song like pony, ignition, and other club hits from the 90's

I walked back to the kitchen I leaned on the walk and peeked in

Mum was swaying her hips and bouncing while pop was leaning back on the island watching happily he chuckled and shook his head she was dancing with her oven gloves on and all he walked over and grabbed her hips letting his hands and arms go limp letting her hips control him

Mum danced like a stripper and we all knew it was true and pop loved it

She gasped when one of her Spanish songs came on and started to really roll and dad quickly pressed himself against her to enjoy

Now this didn't disgust me as much as it should have because this was my childhood mum and pop doing naughty things all over the house

There was only one time in my life they split and weren't lovey dovey that's when dad planned Rose leaving mum out of the planning process because she was done having kids but he wasn't

"Hey mum" she jumped and turned she smiled

"Axe hey my baby it'll be ready soon okay why don't you go watch tv yeah? Hey" she giggled as pop nipped her neck chuckling "baby boy" she leaned away trying to stop him

I smiled and nodded I walked off and sat down

"HENRY BABY STOP" she giggled they walked out and she set down forks at each seat pop was restless though he was squeezing her hips and making them sway still making mum laugh more

Mum and pop were my goal of how to be married yeah I mean sometimes they were tooo close but that was how I wanted my wife and I to be

Logan and I....

"COME EAT KIDS" She yelled I hopped over the sofa taking a seat next to Rose's place they all ran down she saw me and gasped

"AXXXXXE" she ran and hugged me I hugged her back Lydia and Luna sat down ready to eat before greeting me I kinda laughed

Pop set down plates with tacos I salivated at the sight mum came around giving drinks juices and waters

"So Girls and Axel what's up?" Pop asked as Mum and pop sat down next to each other to eat

"Nice save Daddy" Luna giggled

"Its hard I'm in a house of all girls my sons are moved out" he laughed back

"Ooooo hush you wanted all little girls I wanted sons" Mum corrected

"True and you won happy?" He smirked at her

"Ooo yes I'm always right even when I'm wrong I'm right" she laughed

"Daddy.....?" Lydia kinda whined

He looked at her cocking an eyebrow

"I w-would really like it I-I could have s-some money to get this new palette..."

Mum dropped her taco "oooooo you mean that new Jeffree palette? OOOOO you know your daddy is getting me that palette!" She clapped

Pop sighed "yep I already was bribed to get it for your mother"

Lydia squeaked "YAY"

I shook my head "women and makeup"

"Guys and trucks" mum sassed

"Listen if women like makeup fine, if wearing makeup makes a woman feel more confident do it, if just looking at makeup makes a woman happy more power to ya but you can't criticize a woman for what makes her happy because criticizing maybe the reason why she wore makeup in the first place" Pop smiled "and your mother is beautiful with or without makeup"

"awwwwwwwww Henry" mum kissed him him deeply holding his jaw

I kinda stared I smirked "being married to a person who writes a lot of poems has defiantly made you one hell of a speaker" pop nodded

"Before your mother and I met I was a very big stutterer being with someone you love you get to gain and share good qualities" pop smiled

"That's how I can do my rockin British accent" mum giggled

Like Logan teaching me to skate maybe she could soften some of my rough edges I could give her a tattoo if she'd ever want I could go to her skate competitions and cheer her on

"T-that's.... I like that" I smiled

"You have a girl you like Axel?" Pop finished his last Taco looking at me

"I do but I can't be with her like I want" I shrugged

"Minor? Or taken? That's what happened to your mum she was a minor ,until a month after you were born, but I mean that obviously didn't stop me but you shouldn't be like me and it wasn't fun for your mother people judged her terribly" he frowned

I nodded "s-she's a minor but I don't think I could be with her even if she wasn't" I frowned

"Look man I'm sure you'll get her" I smiled at pop's encouragement

"We support you Sweetie whoever you want to be with" Mum smiled

"Thanks guys I do want a girl" I bit my taco

"Mike still dating what's her face?" Luna asked

"Angela? Yeah I think they are" Lydia smiled "they are cute together she's such a pretty blonde"

"blonde is over rated curls are were it's at" mum ran her hand through Pop's hair "right my sweet baby?" she cooed and Pop nodded happily

"You guys are SO gross" Luna laughed

"No they are cute" Lydia scowled

"THEY IN LOOOOVE" Rose yelled

"That's completely right Rose they love each other very much" I praised

"But I LOVE them toooo" she leaned on me I rubbed her side and nodded

"We all love you too, Rose" Mum giggled "my beautiful baby girls are my life and my boys are my little loves too I promise"

I wish I could give my love to Logan and maybe get some back in return I really want her

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