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Logan's pov

Axel actually took me to work with him today it took a lot of begging but I did it

I was on the desk in his office he had left to go do a tattoo I was just kinda sitting around until he was done

I jumped and looked at the door he stepped in throwing away blue gloves "guy just got a tiger on his neck" he informed me of what he'd just inked

"How long until we go?" I whined he chuckled

"2 more hours Dolly  you promised you'd be good" he was stern

"I am good but I'm just sitting on your desk and I want you" I made grabbie hands

He walked over "you told me you wanted to come" he held my sides

"I did and I do but I thought you'd be in here not out there" I pouted held his shirt he smiled

"I could do some paper work make some orders I'll be in here if I do that" I gasped and nodded

"Yes yes yes do that one" I clapped he nodded and pulled out his chair sitting down I smiled "I'm taller than you" I teased

"You are and you're also on a desk" he chuckled

"Shhh taller" I started to pet his hair he didn't seem to care I was messing up his nice gelled and styled hair

"Dolly do you like spending the night with daddy?" He mumbled writing stuff down

I gasped and nodded "yes daddy very much so" He smiled widely

"Give me kisses" he puckered I happily leaned and kissed him

"So sweet Dolly" he looked back at the paper work on his desk "so I was thinking about what you said last night" he sighed "About wanting more... and-" he looked up at me "tonight I have to go to the body shop but Thursday Rose wants to go a party and I'll bring her and maybe I'll take you for dinner and we'll see where the night leads? How's that?"

"That sounds great but tonight I need to go home... Dylan already texted me to see when I'm coming home" he nodded

"Fuck uhh okay I'll have to bring Rose to Mike or..." he trailed off he hummed looking back at his work

"Axe you love me?" I leaned to his face he chuckled, turned, nodded, and pressed his lips against mine lifting his hand to cup my cheek I whimpered softly as he nibbled on my lip

"I love you so so much Logan" he mumbled our lips still touching "now daddys gotta work you can color in my tattoos if you want" I gasped and clapped

"YESSSSSSS" I squealed he pulled out some markers and rolled up his sleeve for me


Axel's pov

I smiled "thank you so much Wendy I'm so sorry I know I'm imposing on you I'll try and be back as soon as possible"

"No no I owe you you watched Poppy for 6 hours I am still so sorry about that" she put a hand on my heart bouncing her baby

I shrugged "it was nothing" I kneeled down and smiled "Rosalie big brother needs you to be good for Mrs.Wendy okay?" She nodded

"Yes Axel" she cheered I smiled

"She's a very good, calm child" I looked up at Wendy to talk then kissed Rose's head standing up and waving good bye as I jogged down the hall

Dylan was already pulled up and waiting I hopped in "SO Dylan has he told you the pay?"

He sat his phone down "5 thousand each" he smiled

"Yes that means 2 more fights and I'll have 24 thousand" I smiled back

"24 thousand for what?" He frowned

"For a house" I shrugged

"Gunna get a nice house but I mean after those 2 fights are you stopping?" He was very concerned

"I haven't thought about that actually..."

"Axel don't Please man come on It know how easy this cash is you can put a down payment on a house, a car, another cycle-"

"A ring" I smiled

"A-A ring yeah" he quickly agreed but I know he would have agreed with anything I said "whatever you want"

"Mm 2 fights till I have my house money I at least another 20 for a ring and a car" I did some math in my head

"Yep financial planning is key" he nodded sounding stern

I sighed and felt myself fall in a hole again not that I didn't have money or that I didn't have a steady flow I did but I just got 24 thousand for a house and now I put myself back in my hole of saving

The shop was profiting good though I got better advertising, offered deals, and special weekly designs that were marked off some it is running better than it ever has that was giving me steady hundreds and thousands and fight that was money thrown at me

We pulled up this was a newer place an abandon warehouse but all windows and doors in tacked

"I'm ready to go to bed man teenage girls are heard to raise" Dylan complained as he got out

"Rose has never been a problem child so..." I shrugged

"Lucky little shit thank god Logan is going with her friend again this weekend 2 teenage girls is too much how your dad does a house full of only girls I'll never know" he opened the double doors as I did we walked the room for us

"I feel like every time I come here it's sketchier" I laughed smoke filling the air, smoke from more than just cancer sticks

"It does" he agreed we walked to the one of 2 doors in this whole place we walked in ,the bench from the last place was moved here, so we sat and I wrapped my fists and pulled my gloves on

Dylan was looking at his phone smirking probably texting his girlfriend "what's Darcy saying?" He jumped and looked up

"N-No it's the boss he's asking for serious fights..."

I sat back down and tried to peek at his texts he shook his head slowly "he's been putting you against first timers and guys who come around when they need money but he wants to put you against his serious fighters" he mumbled

"I could take them with a raise in pay" I cocked an eyebrow

He nodded more confidently "yeah that's true" he texted back the announcements came on "I'll hammer out an agreement"

"The more wins they have the more money I want" I instructed he nodded I stepped out he followed behind the crowd parted for me I heard more and more cheers every fight

"BARBWIRE!!!" I smirked and jumped into the ring

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