25-Temp Roommate

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Henry's pov

I smiled and kissed Alexis's neck sucking she hummed and reached her hand around putting it in my hair "Henry baby" she hummed I chuckled and licked up a line earning a whimper she leaned away

"Stop It love the kids will be here soon and Lexa and Lon are down stairs" I smiled and bit her shirt tugging it as she talked she laughed "Henry we'll have plenty of time for this on vacation"

"Damn right I'm not stopping till it hurts" I pulled her to kiss me holding her cheeks I pulled away and bit her lip "you packed 'everything' right?" I cocked an eyebrow she nodded

"Mhm the red bag is the naughty bag" she laughed we both jumped and looked at the door hearing a lot of squeaking "ooo"

I pouted "he's getting some come on please please please" I begged kissing her chest

"Henry no" she back away I growled and grabbed her hips

"Well your getting it anyway bend over now" I ordered she blushed and nodded obeying she always loved when I was dominant like this

Lon's pov

I sat back smiling Lex was laying down "you okay my love?" she nodded slowly I pulled her shirt back down and fixed her jeans I pulled her to sit up with me "I love you" I kissed her

"I love you more" she held me I chuckled as we both looked up hearing thumping "sounds like they are having fun" I heard the door "kids are back"

Mike, Axel, Dylan, and the girls ,both ours and Henry and Alexis's, were back we had sent them out to to get pizza to give Alexis and Henry time to pack

we came over to help explain to the kids that we ,Me and Lexa and Alexis and Henry, were going on a 2 week long vacation and we were going explain how things were gunna be run while we were out

They all walked in laughing and joking we soon heard Henry and Alexis coming down they ran sitting on the other sofa I smiled "what's this a family meeting?" Dylan laughed

"Actually yeah it is" I nodded

"About what?" Scarlet asked

"Well pumpkin we're going on vacation, as in us and Alexis and Henry" I smiled

"When?" Mike asked

"Tomorrow" I shrugged

"TOMORROW?!" It was a mixture of our kids that screamed

"Yes we leave tomorrow and we'll be gone for 2 weeks"

"What the hell you can't just leave we don't have any plans I don't have a job I can't go buy food!" Scarlet yelled

"Scar" Alexis piped up "calm down Love we've made plans Dylan is going to move back into your house and watch you he'll buy your food and whatever else you need ,you and your sister, and Mikey you'll move back home and watch Lydia and Luna but Axel you'll be taking Rose home with you she'll live with you while we are gone when you work you can drop her with Mike but as soon as you get off your picking her back up"Alexis explained pretty throughly

"And Axel you can use my car while we're away" Alexis added quickly "I doubt she'd be able to ride your cycle"

"S-So were moving in t-tonight?" Dylan asked

"Yes and of course there's more rules like no parties, no drinking, no drugs you now the usual if they've done it in a house party in the movies don't do it" Lexa laughs slightly at her own joke

"We're gunna be at home tonight but we all leave in the morning" I shrugged

"I love you boys and I expects our houses ,when we return, to be just as beautiful as when we left and the same number of kids no more no less understood?" Alexis glared between her twins and my son

"Yes mum" Mike smiled "I'll be back soon with a bag" he stepped out Dylan nodded

"Yeah I'll go pack and head home" Dylan agreed

Axel looked at Rose "Go up and start picking out your toys to bring" she nodded and ran he smiled "I'll be packing up Roses things"

Henry stood up following  "I'll come help make sure you get her baby doll, her blankie , and her chi chi ,the little chinchilla"

I looked at Lexa "I'm SO excited 2 weeks with bunny"


Logan's pov

"Bye mum I love you" I hugged her as she got in the rental van with dad and Aunt Lex and Uncle Henry

"Bye mum you come back with the same number of people no more no less" he joked quoting Aunt Lex

"If I end up pregnant we'll come back with same amount of people I promise" Aunt Lex looked at Henry as he swallowed hard and knew he wouldn't be coming back

"Have fun be safe" I yelled as we waved them good bye

"Come on girls inside" Dylan ushered I bit my lip and walked up to my room calling Axel

"Hey Dolly" he answered cheerfully

"How's being a temp dad?" I giggled

"Well it's been a good full 5 minutes I think I'm a pro" he joked

"Ooo Yes 100% So I'm going to Jessica's house what time do you think would be good?" That was our code for I wanted to come over

"5 skate down the block some and I'll come pick you up" I nodded smiling

"I'll see you then Dolly" I hung up smirking I had planned to be spending a lot of time with Axel and I was finally gunna get more I started to pack my clothes there was a knock on my door

"Hey Logan.." Dylan opened the door and cocked an eyebrow "mum left food... what are you doing?"

I turned "I'll come eat in a sec I'm spending 2 days over at Jessica's house she's like 5 streets from us ,I'm gunna skate down there later"

"Oh okay yeah well don't take to long I'm heating it up" I nodded he stepped out I smirked and finished stuffing my over night bag

"Here I come my lover boy"

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