The wolfox

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Hi I'm chelsy also known as the runt of the family also known as the weird one in school. I have been bullied since I was a pup or kit. I'm a mix of wolf and fox. I have gray, white and black fur. My ears are pointy like a foxes and I have the tail of a fox. I'm different than everyone. My own family hates me except my mom. She was a runt to but not like me. She was a normal fox. My father hated me I have scars from when he clawed me on my hind leg. Anyway back to my life. In school I would be called rat or runty little wolf. I wasn't really a midgt just about 6 inches smaller than everyone else. I had no friends either. People just kept rejecting me. The people that mainly bully me where the popular girls kayla , Kylie and the leader Megan. They where the worst people ever. They even gave me a daily beating planner, Yay. I never liked this but that's how my life is. I have a crush to, his name is hunter. He doesn't really like me by the fact I'm a wolfox and a reject, but he invites me to parties at least. I never go because I know something bad will happen. But what people don't know is that I'm stronger than them. I never get in fights because I know I will win. As you might think hunter is the alpha wolf. Nobody knows that much about him exept form his girlfriend Megan.

Comment and tell me if I should continue the story I will write more than this I swear😇

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