But It Was All In Vain

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A word that contains so many emotions
Something I can't fathom on how to begin explaining

Talking, laughing, interacting
So many people around you,
Yet not a single soul to connect to

Try to make a move
Try to let loose
Try to have fun
Try to make friends
But I always end up being a second choice

No one wants me
They all pretend
Because I'm "too nice"
And they don't have the guts to hurt me.

Yet little did they know
That pretending to be my friend
Hurts me the most

It hurts
They were just trying to be nice
But you thought it was real
You thought,
Finally, someone who will accept me and be my friend
But you were wrong
It was all a lie

A lie to make them feel better
A lie so they won't have to feel guilty
Guilty that they left you alone
A girl who's "nice, happy, outgoing, simple"

Little did they know
That it was all a facade

I am the shyest girl alive
Yet I pretend
I pretend to be outgoing, happy, loud
In hopes that I'll be accepted

But it was all in vain

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