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What have I done wrong?
I see you look at me.
All the time actually.
But when I try to talk to you...
I feel like you hate me.

I don't have the guts to talk to you face to face
Just talking through text is a struggle.
It may seem like nothing, But every single word that comes out,
I had to struggle typing.

When I type my message, I keep thinking:
Is this good enough?
What will he think?
Do I sound too clingy?
Is it too out of the blue?

But no.
You think its easy for me to talk to you.
For you, our conversations mean nothing,
When for me, it means the world.

No matter how short our conversation is,
I always cherish it in my heart.

I make up all these excuses just to talk to you.
Sometimes you ignore me.
And sometimes, you don't even read them.

It really hurts.
You know why?
Because I tried.
I really tried talking to you but you just brushed it off.

For me, texting you gets me one step higher on the stairs
I try to take one step at a time
But whenever you ignore me, I feel like a failure
And I fall back while you climb even higher.

I see you with other girls
And you're able to keep the conversation going
But with me,
It's like you don't even try

So you know what?
I'll stop trying.
If you like me, you'll try
Like I did.

Cuz you know what?
I'm tired of trying.

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