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~ Third POV later ~


Liam put steady hands upon Harry's tense shoulders calming him down.

"Louis wanted to tell you later after we get through our situation" he calmly explained.

"What situation? What the hell why does Zayn get to know and not me" he growled in an upset tone.

Zayn sat up from the couch feeling bad about how angry his friend was. He couldn't help what was going on and Louis' decisions. Harry's best mate knew Louis was very much in love with Harry and he was afraid that if he told Harry he would leave him. He also did not want him to know they were in trouble and well he didn't want Harry to get involved. Already their lives were at stake they didn't want another innocent person to join the risk.

Liam bit his lip and let out a sigh "Harry calm down, please sit and let me explain"

The tall boy was on the edge of protesting but he grew weak and gave in.

Liam guided Harry down beside Zayn on the couch. Scooting back onto the soft cushion his dark haired friend swung a comforting arm around his shoulder.

"Harry" Liam began making sure he had the boy's attention "On New Years Eve Louis fed on a human in public. He was almost caught by the police so I had to come rescue him. He stupidly left out the body near a bench and so I had to help him get it out of view and as I did we both smelled Zayn's blood"

Harry rubber his watery eyes still "What does this have to do wi-"

Liam quietly hushed him "Then we heard him step on a twig and well we both nearly flipped. My instinct was to instantly kill Zayn but just by his scent I couldn't for some reason so just out of curiosity instead of killing him right away I approached him. I could feel his fear and-"

The couple blushed at eachother remembering their first meeting like it was yesterday.

"When the moon shown on his face everything about him that I felt became beautiful. It fit him so well. Now I'll just get to my point. In our short meeting Zayn happened to witness some of Louis and well both of our abilities. He was so confused and scared, I had tell him and when I did he passed out. It turned out he was actually unhealthy but I wanted him, I wasn't going to give up. I cured him and took him home and left that note. I promised myself I would never lie to him and I would be the best boyfriend he could ever have and though it took time it happened but you see then something happened"

Harry crossed his arms getting so annoyed by Liam's random story, what even was his point?

"Timothy...he came from Transylvania my home and he was an old....uh 'friend'" Liam earned a look from Zayn.

"He wasn't just some guy we met. He came to tell me I was in danger and not only I but Louis and Zayn and perhaps you. I kept the whole thing from Zayn and well he grew very suspicious and eventually I told him, he was not happy. All throughout this Louis talked endlessly about you and how his feelings for you were so deep. He wanted to tell you about our secret but he was nervous and later on once he finally got the balls he was planned to tell you on your first anniversary date but before that day came Timothy showed up and well he didn't want to get you involved so a bit like Zayn and I"

Harry still was not getting it "Um okay again. What does this have to do with anything? Why are we all in 'danger'?" What is going on?"

"Im just saying Louis made the same mistake I made and kept his secret from you. Now this happened but know he did it for a reason and this is way"

Liam inhaled and exhaled deeply "I'm not some old vampire I am Dracula's grandson therefore not only am I one of the most powerful Vampires in the world I am also the Prince of Transylvania and if I survive by my birthday I will become King"

"Okay so what does that mean? If you survive?" questioned the now curious long haired boy

Liam continued answering his question "Well my parents died in the 1600s. They were killed for being monsters, this was during the witch trials in America so anything the colonists heard that was "dark" they grew afraid and believed it. They put to death anyone who was accused. My family were once loved by the villagers because we treated everyone respectfully. My parents loved humans heck they even made a law in Transylvania where it stated that humans were equal, Vampires were allowed to marry humans and bond with them they everyone loved the law however not everyone agreed and that was my evil uncle John"

"Don't tell me, he wanted to take over and by doing that he followed your family to America and ratted you guys out and got your parent killed so he could become King?" Harry finished for him basically getting the whole story right.

Liam nodded with a surprised expression " Uh yeah pretty much but I escaped and went into hiding. my mother and father told me I was the only hope for Transylvania if my uncle became king and after his harsh rule I was to be the savior and clean up his mess. Now back to the story my uncle thought at the time I died in the fire which the colonists lit after capturing my parents but little did he know. Unfortunately not to long ago he discovered my existence. He could become the King for an eternity if I died and that's what he wants and his power would grow. His plan is to kill off all the useless humans and the strong ones would be servants. Any weak vampires would be killed off as well along with those who opposed to him. Before he was ready to attack after my birthday but now since I am alive he is getting weak and killing me is his only hope. He can't kill me by himself though hints why he sent Timothy but Timothy is on my side. It is against the system, he kills me then he loses his rule and either Transylvania will have no more rulers or another man will be chosen. We don't know if he will send another person to kill me once he finds out Timothy is helping me. It is very much likely. He may not even kill me, from what Timothy says he wants to watch me die so he may try to go after the closest person to me.."

Liam looked to Zayn as Harry followed his gaze to his friend. "Zayn"

Harry tried to process everything Liam had just told him, was this possible? "This is ludicrous" he shook his head in disbelief.

"Harry I swear the whole story is true, this is part of the reason why Louis didn't want to tell you" Liam pleaded truthfully.

"That's not- it's just" Harry let out a stressful sigh his head falling into his hands for a moment "It's to-I don't know its so unreal sounding. Its like something you see in a fictional movie"

Liam nodded in agreement "I know but this is reality. Somethings that you are told are myths are actually true...humans say they are myths because they are afraid of the truth. You have to believe to see the truth underneath the lies you've been taught"

Liam sat down on the other side of Harry "I am sorry you had to find out this way but listen Louis loves you alot and hurting you is the last thing he'd even think about doing like how I am with Zayn. Don't let this mess ruin your relationship. If you truly loved him back you would forgive him"

Harry teared up again realizing he really did love Louis. He was a blood sucking vampire so what? Louis never hurt Harry or threatened him so did it matter?

"Your right. I love him and this is a test. I want to forgive him but..." while wiping his tears Harry searched around the living room with his eyes"Where is Louis?"

All the boys looked around but found no Louis anywhere.

"He must be upset, I'll go see if he's at my house" Liam turned to Zayn kissing him on the nose "I will be right back babe, keep an eye on Harry"

Zayn nodded oblivious to what really was going on. All three of them were oblivious to what actually was happening with Louis while they talked. For what was to come was not at all good.


Harry found out yikes but at least Liam comforted him and all. Soft Liam❤ What's gonna happen with Louis? Oh shiz...

Last day of school wish me luck. Two week spring brk hehe.

So should I publish my Ziam/Larry Titanic fanfic soon? Hmmm

Hope you enjoyed ❤❤

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