Chapter 9

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Waking up in my room I looked around and stood up pinching myself to see if this was actually real or not. It was sighing in relief I opened my bedroom door and slowly walked down the stairs I felt a little dizzy...I guess from that smoke that my parents had filled the whole house with.
Stopping when I heard a voice... A new voice one I've never heard of before...she was talking to my dad.
Harley -- "so she was with the bat? What did he do to my poor baby!."
Catwoman-- "nothing...I was on my way to see Blaire but when I saw your daughter with mine I just had to sit and watch to see where it was going.... And no need to worry Harley you can trust me if Bruce hurt her I'd dump him."

Joker--"yeah.. But you'd eventually Get back together because you think that you can't live without him."

Catwoman--"I don't do that joker!. "
Harley--alright, alright enough arguing let's talk about what's really important my daughter!. Does the bat's know who lil is?. "
Catwoman- That...idk you'll have to ask lilly that... I'll talk to Blaire she'll know. "
I heard Glass breaking and my dad yell.
"There not supposed to know who she is yet! We were supposed to take Robin and then the Batman would come looking and somewhere along the way we was going to show the world who the Mysterious Girl was. Our daughter! But now the whole plan's ruined!."
Walking down the rest of the stairs I saw Catwoman wave bye to my mom and jump out the window.
When my mom noticed me she ran over to me and hugged me asking.
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Brainwash you?"
"No mom they didn't brainwash me...I'm still as evil as ever...the only thing the Batman did was give me death glares...Robin knows who I am...but the bat doesn't yet...Blaire does cause I told her... She said that she's Catwoman's daughter. Why didn't you tell me that there were other criminal's that had kids?.
" well Blaire can't be trusted lil she is batsie's daughter and-
Interrupting her I said.
"But mom Blaire doesn't know if she wants to be like him she might be like her mom..."
*Whoop's... Blaire's never going to tell me a secret ever again... *
I thought as mom and dad stared at me wide eye's.
My dad started to slowly smile saying.
"So...The Batman's kid doesn't know what she wants...we can change her make a decision... Hahaha!." My dad said hugging me.
Jay's POV ~
Opening my eye's and looking at the floor I tried standing up but fell feeling dizzy and getting a headache I breathed in and out then tired standing up again but this time slower...
Walking to Blaire's room I saw her fast asleep on her bed snoring.
Waking her up I said.
"Blaire wake up... Blaire Lilly's gone!."
Blaire jumped out of bed wide eye's and said.
"I'm up! I'm up! W-whats going on...jay?. Where's Lilly?."
"She's gone... She went home..."

joker's daughter ~joker and harley fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now