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I played netball today and I'm playing center. So stressing but Yesterday was amazing. Miss liked my song and I can't wait to go back to music class.

Not only that,shawn mendes was there. He's also from the magcon or macon boys. Something like that,but I really like his song.

I mean, the one he sing for me yesterday about all the drama that Kian told about our sex life. Nah,not that amazing song I'm waiting to download on my phone.

I can't tell Kian I like the song,because I understand the lyrics and all,but Shawn is right. That was just disrespectful. All day no one remember that my name is Ashley,not shower curtain.

I'm walking to lunch after kian roll his eyes at me and left right after the bell.

I walk into the lunch room and spot all my friends. "Did y'all get lunch for me?"

"No." Amani Said

"What why?"

"We thought kian said,you won't need lunch,you bought." Kelly look at me and I glare at Kian.

No he expect me to starve to death over something childish.


I heard someone and look behind me. It's shawn. The girls are staring,mouth water after him.

I look at him. "I have an extra lunch but my friend won't be here." He tells me.

"Oh,thank you Shawn." I walk over to his lonely table.

"Why don't you sit."

"Yeah sure."

I sit. He gave me food,so manners I sit with him,not because he's like famous or anything. Pfft.

"He's staring at us." Shawn holds his head down and I look behind him and kian is looking directly at me.

"Yes he is."

"What's his problem?"

"He's my boyfriend,he's gonna get jealous."

"But Damn. I've seen him before though. He shares a channel with jc and has an O2l channel."

"So you do know him."

"I guess so."

Wow,Kian got even recognize by the Shawn Mendes.

"Let me stay on my guard. I might get a boot in my head." I laugh and he laugh too.

"Like seriously."

"Is he still staring?"

"Oh no! He's making his way over here." I look down.

He slam his tray on the table and pull me by his side. "So what are we talking about?"

"We were in the middle of discussing her number." Shawn tease him.

"Sorry,she doesn't have a phone,do you want mine?"

"She use your phone?"

"Oh no Shawn." Kian smile.

"Then I'm good. I'll get you a phone tomorrow ash." He said.

"Shawn, I do have a phone." I tell the truth.


"What? He's just being a friend Kian."

"You don't need friends. You have April and ryan,Connor,sam,Trevor,Ricky all of us,including Amani,Kelly and even zue-yong and gen-wen."

"I know Kian,but we're just friends."

"You wanna be with him?"

"I didn't say that."

"Guys,stop arguing,calm down. I'll get your number and call you later."

He got up with his tray, "I'll talk to you later as well Kian."

"Oh you won't." Kian said then stare at me after he left.

"You got to be kidding me."

"What?" I ask.

"You can do that,but the mention of Andrea's name,you avoid me."

"It's different."

"I never realize what such a whore you are. I bet you just want his money."

"I don't want anything and how dare you call me a whore."

"How dare you flirt with a next guy in front me."

"I wasn't flirting,I was being nice."

"Oh really,we'll see." He gets up.


"Dont call my name. I f*cking hate you."

Everyone look at me and he walk away.

"He didn't mean it." I assure everyone.

How dare Kian. He hates me for being kind. Then call me a whore. I never wanted Shawn's money. I was just being polite. I got up and follow him. He's opening his car and I run inside.

"Ashley,get out." He shouts at me.

"No. I did nothing wrong."

"Ashley,Just leave. You're really getting me angry."

"So.. I don't think-"

"F*ck Ashley." He hits the window behind me and I shake. He almost hit him. Who is this monster.

"Get out."he shake and I open the door and back out slowly. He drove off and the door slam shut by its self.


"- and then he just drove off." I cried to Kelly.

"It's okay." She pull me in a hug and rub my back. "But ashii,think about it. That would get me mad too. Like come on,you knew shawn don't want to be friend and you talking about giving him your number. I would have done the same thing."

I pout.

"So either you stop messing with Shawn and get your man back,or lose him."

"But,he won't talk to me."

"We'll take care of that."


Days now and I haven't seen Kian. He doesn't come home or answer our calls. Everyone seem so calm like they know where he is.

"Ash,I'm gonna do it." Trevor tells me.

"Do what?"

"Talk to Ricky."


"You know from the trip last year,I've been in love with him. "

"Ricky!" I shout and he covers my mouth and look around. "Shhh." I nod and he pull away.

"For real?" I ask.


"What about Ryan,you all horny and stuff when they were cooking."

"Yeah,he is so Damn sexy but I want Ricky."

"Then,go tell him."

"I'm scared."

"What can he possible do."

"Reject me."

"Even if,there are thousands of fishes waiting for you."

"But Ashley."

"Come on T,just tell him."

He sigh and got up from my room. "Follow me."I tag along with him.

Ricky is downstairs,watching tv when Trevor sit near him and he smile.

"Uhm Ricky,can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure." He turns the t.v.down.

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Okke,thanks for voting and supporting me this far.

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