Chapter 5 - First Day Back Home

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3rd Person's POV

"Teran, you know how valuable Arch is to this organization-"

"I know sir! But we can't just let him get away with all of he has done, he has again and again gone against protocol, killed, drugged, stole, lied- I could go on and on about all of his wrong doings!" 20 year old Calium Teran argued with the older man as they sat across from each other, the older man sighed tiredly, rubbing his face as he leaned forward on his desk

"Teran. You need to remember of what he is capable of, if we get on his bad side who knows what will happen-" Calium scoffed, interrupting him, "-Mass destruction if we don't act now! If we keep letting him off the hook with every little thing, big or small, he will grow more confident and deadly. If we don't act, more innocent lives will be lost to the void, including ours if we don't play our cards right." Calium interjected, his voice laced with frustration as he tried his best to keep his temper down to a minimum

"I get what you're saying Teran. But, you have to remember he is also the one who recruited you, trained you and guided you to become the person you are today. Yes, his methods are absurd in most cases. But, he gets the job done whether we like it or not-"

"But sir-!"

"That's enough Teran! Respect my decision and say nothing more, we are not going to arrest him or eliminate him. You're dismissed." Calium stood up from his seat, anger in his red eyes. His mindset on Luciel Arch already set in stone

"Commander Villow, don't be surprised if he will be the cause of T.I.M.V.E.R's fall." Calium spun on his heel and headed to the door, only to stop in front of it. He looked at Commander Villow from over his shoulder, his eyes piercing the older man's soul

"The downfall of this place will be your fault because of your bad judgement on Luciel, remember that." The blonde young man left the room without another word, leaving Commander Villow to think in silence.

At 7:30 AM, present time, Calium strutted into the bakery he was in the day prior to be welcomed by the soothing aroma of fresh baked goods and the smile of the baker himself

"Back again eh? Did you find that friend of yours?" Calium nodded with a small smile, his mouth watering at the smell emitting from the back of the bakery which he concluded to be where all the magic happens, as in baking magic

"He decided to leave town while I stay behind for a little while, I'm actually thinking about staying for a few days to catch up with old family members."

"Why that's lovely, so what do you want for today?" The baker asked him and Calium thought for a moment, sorting out the selection he wanted for his breakfast

"How about... Two Cinnamon Rolls, One Cinnamon Bun, Strawberry Tart, and Herbal Tea would be nice." He nodded before grabbing a bag and began grabbing the baked goods, counting up the total as he did so

"How rude of me, I don't even know what to call you by, may I ask what is it?" Calium asked innocently as he grabbed a small bag full of jewels out of his boot

"Daxtrix Augustus, but you can just call me Chowder." Chowder stated, walking back to behind the register. Calium furrowed his brows in confusion at the nickname

"Why Chowder?"

"It's from a old kid's cartoon where the main character in it is named Chowder. who is learning to become a baker, you wouldn't know it because of how old it is." Chowder laughed heartedly causing Calium to smile at the burly baker

"So I see..." After paying for the goods, Calium bid farewell to Chowder before heading over to the guild hall while eating a Cinnamon Bun on his way, Herbal Tea in the hand that was carrying the bag of other goodies. Using the sugar contained in the goods, he kept himself from collapsing of exhaustion due to his messed up sleep schedule. Calium entered the guild hall to see a lot of the old members of the guild already seated, currently eating their breakfast provided by the guild. Calium walked over to an empty table close to the request board, sitting down and began eating his sugar-filled breakfast, his eyes studying the jobs posted on the board with curiosity filled eyes. He only went on 12 jobs since he became an official member of Fairy Tail when he was 9 to go on sugar binges against Makarov's wishes to the point of him getting stomachache's from consuming so much sugar after every job he went on. He smiled at the memory of going on his first job with Laxus which was just a simple job of guarding a woman as she traveled from Magnolia to a little town called Aimsville to visit her family there. He remembered him and Laxus being so excited to go on the job considering they would be traveling away from Magnolia for the first in years. 

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