Chapter 6 - Teran and Arch

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Calium's POV (12 Years Prior)

I followed the noise emitting from the forest to the point of when I could hear it clearly, the sound of rocks smashing together and the loud groans of defeat coming visible to my ears. I carefully trudged forward, my eyes narrowing into slits as I saw a boy a few years old than me levitating a boulder off of the ground before letting it drop to the ground. The boy yelled in irritation, balling his hand into a fist before punching the boulder only for it to backfire, hurting his hand terribly. He cried out in pain and I cringed, stepping forward causing a leaf to crunch underneath my weight. I froze when he spun around on his heel, his piercing blue eyes narrowing in suspicion of me

"Uhh... Sup?"

"Who the heck are you, Shortie?" I made a face at him, running towards him in anger at the nickname

"FIGHT ME-!" He easily knocked me to the ground with his free hand, smirking down at me while I rubbed my backside in slight pain, irritably staring up at him. He stared right back at me, his gaze fixated on my red eyes as if trying to figure who I am off by looks

"Who. Are. You?" He asked me again after a few minutes of awkwardly staring one another down, not moving from our spots

"Calium." I informed him and he sighed, letting his shoulders release from their tense posture. He removed his gaze from my eyes and over to the boulder that he punched earlier

"Luciel... Why are you here?" He introduced himself. I scrambled up to my feet, rubbing my pants off

"I heard a noise coming from over here, I guess that was you causing it." I confessed and he snorted, shaking his head. I looked down at the hand that was starting to turn black and blue, the knuckles bruising almost instantly

"You alright?" I asked him and he shrugged

"I will be alright, I'm a fast healer... You won't tell anyone, will you?" I stared at him in confusion, tilting my head slightly to the side

"About what?"

"About what you saw here, about me moving the boulder..."

"Does your parents not like magic?"

"Magic? Huh, so that's what I have."

"How can you not know that you have magic?" I asked him and he turned back to look at me, crossing his arms over his chest

"Because from where I am from, there is no what you call 'magic'. That reminds me, I better get going before it gets too late-" He began to walk off leaving me dumbfounded

"Wait!" He stopped abruptly, looking over his shoulder at me with a slight smile


"Can I come with you?" He raised an eyebrow at me, staring at me as if I was gum on the bottom of his shoe

"Come with me? And what will I get in return?"

"Perhaps a friend? You seem very lonely, I can see it in your eyes." He avoided my gaze, staring down at the ground below his feet

"How can you tell?"

"Because that's how my mom used to read my emotions, she knew whenever a person was feeling a certain way... Just for the rest of the day I can hang out with you, I can't be gone too long away from my family." He bit his bottom lip in thought, thinking over my words carefully before deciding whether to or not to

"Sure. Just don't get in my way." I nodded and walked over to him, stopping in front of him with my hand held out towards him, a grin plastered on my face

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