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-Brock's POV-
My face instantly turned pink. Not only was Brian here, but I was embarrassed by the fact I was covered in sweat, I smelled and my house was a mess. He smiled as he looked around, the walking toward me.

"God is it good to see you." He engulfed me in a hug and patted my back and I hugged back. We lingered for a moment, his heavy cologne filling my nose. I felt us sway back and forth until he separated, laughing a bit. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Eh- sorry. Just haven't seen ya in a minute ya know?" I nodded, as if I'd lost my voice.

"Speaking of, whatcha here for? What brings you to Utah?" He smiled and blushed a little bit. "Um.. You actually. I came because your birthdays in a few days and I didn't want you to spend it alone." Both our blushes and the uncomfortableness of standing in the hallway was noticeable. I cleared my thoart and rocked on my heels a little bit.

"Wanna go to the living room?" I gestured to the room at the end of the hall. "Whoa, at least buy me coffee first!" Brian laughed and walked toward me. "Oh c'mon, that was funny." He laughed, my face blank as a sheet of paper. "Haha. It's funny. But what really brings you to Utah? It's not me I know that." "What other good reason could I possibly have for flying three hours from L.A. to your little state? Exactly. I cane for your birthday and goddammit Brock, it's gonna be a good one."

-time skip-

We sat in the living room, listening to the radio, Let's Get It Started playing loudly. Brian and I were just sitting on the small loveseat, talking. It was around 9:50 now, we'd ordered a pizza, and we shared two beers. Once the clock stuck 10 Brian turned to me. He stretched his arms and yawned, "I'm jet lagged. I'm so tired. Where am I sleeping?"

I had to think for a minute. The guest room was covered with old football and rugby gear if mine, and the living room only had the armchair and the loveseat. "I mean we could- no nevermind. It's dumb. The only bed is mine really." "What was your dumb idea." He eagerly awaited my reply.

"Camp in the living room...."

I said embarrassed at my childish nature. "Sure. I brought a pillow and stuff. Why not? The only other thing is top and tail but that gets uncomfortable." I nodded, and he stood stretching, the extending his hand to me. "C'mon Moo. Let's make camp here for tonight." I laughed and gladly took his hand, almost pulling him down from my strength.

We moved everything to the sides, making a nice square on the carpeted floor. We got various chairs that we could find, spreading blankets to make a tent. We played down a few blankets and our pillows, the radio playing Wonderwall by Oasis. We both laughed and sang like kids again, until Brian began to sit down.

"Let's make this legit and tell secrets. You first, ask me anything and I'll answer."

"Okay. Here goes..."


Maybe they will confess? Maybe they won't? Maybe I'll stop asking questions? Will the world ever know?

Hope you enjoyed ^̮^!! (??)

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