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-Brian's POV-
Brock didn't make eye contact with me, no matter how long I stared at his masculine body. There's was no way he was gay. He was too in shape. He cleared his throat and mumbled something like, "Please excuse me."

He stood and left, not even looking towards me. I heard a door close then relaxed from the tense position I didn't know I was sitting in. I blinked and mentally scolded myself.

You fool! You probably made it sound like it was bad to have a crush on you! God you dumbass!

I groaned loudly, facepalming. "God I am such an asshole." I got up from the couch wandering down the hallway. I walked to the bathroom, no one was there. I walked to his bedroom, door wide open, still no one.

I searched all the rooms until I was only left with two choices. The laundry room and a random closet. No one was in the laundry room, so I walked to the closet.

"Brock?" I knocked on the door. "Time to come out of the closet. Come on." I waited a moment for a response. I heard shaky breathing, like he'd been crying.


I knocked lightly again.

"Brock, whatever you think, I'm not mad or upset. Please, open the door."

He hiccuped. I wanted so desperately to help him. I slid down and sat on my knees. I knocked again, very lightly.

"Please don't cry. I can't stand that noise. Please, open the door."

"Wh-why? You clearly d-don't like me."

My heart dropped. I searched for words as a tear stained my face.

"Brock.... Open the door... Please?"

I heard him sniffle, then shift around. I heard a small click, and I stood to open the door. I opened it slowly, looking inside.

What I saw broke my heart.

Brock was hugging his knees, his sweats had visible stains from tears. His face was red and his breathing was staggered. I swallowed and slowly leaned down to sit with him. I sat cross-legged in front of him, tears staining my face.

"If I didn't like you," I took his hand in my own, "I wouldn't have kissed you. I wouldn't have traveled from L.A. all the way here just to see you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't be kneeling in front of a closet door just to get you to stop crying. I wouldn't be here apologizing for making you cry on your birthday!"

I laughed a little to ease the tension and it helped. It was silent asides his heavy breathing. He began talking, but not to me.

"Well good job Brock. You did it. You cried like the big baby you are over nothing. You believed you had a chance with him! You're an idiot and you know it."

He said all of this very quietly, almost to where it was inaudible. More tears flowed from his eyes, and I wiped them clear.

"Brocky don't feed yourself lies."

I said it sweetly but stern. I moved from in front of him, to his side. I still had our fingers laced together, and I layed my head on his shoulder. He began to softly hum and I joined in. He began to quietly sing.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy when skies are grey.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you..."

He drifted off, sighing contently. He still hummed the tune, and I hummed along. I let go of his hand and stood up, motioning for him to follow. He extended his arms like a small child, needing to be picked up. I grabbed his hand and lifted him up, and he laced our fingers together.

I walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast in the late hours of the morning, Brock leaning against the counter making small talk. He acted like I hadn't shattered his heart then glued it back together. Brock walked away to use the bathroom and I looked toward the sky. Hoping someone would hear me I spoke the only thing on my mind.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."


Longer than normal chapter cause I got carried away.

Hope You Enjoyed ^̮^!!

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