tattoo 2

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it's been a month since my first tattoo and I bit my lip in contemplation on whether I should get a new one that I've been wanting.

I shrugged, "why the hell not"

Mom and dad still haven't found out about my first one, which I'm glad about, I'm also glad Grayson kept his mouth shut.

"Hey gray, wanna come watch me get another tattoo?" I asked as he looked up from his glass of chocolate milk.

His eyebrows stitched together and I knew he was confused, so I pointed to where my bouquet of roses were and he clapped "drawing!"

I chuckled and nodded. He stood up and grabbed my hand as we made our way out of the house and to the tattoo shop.


I showed the guy the design I had in mind and he sat me down in a chair towards the back, Grayson sat in front of me the whole time, just smiling like always.

"You want a moon on your back in the top right corner?" The artist asked and I nodded.

He told me to lay on my stomach and showed me his sketch that I approved.

"Moon?" Grayson asked softly, he didn't want the tattoo artist to hear, but he's bad at whispering. He was very self conscious about asking questions, because every time he asked he knew he wasn't understanding something and would call himself dumb or stupid later.

I nodded, "yes, moon. Want to know why?" I asked, looking up at him as the artist began to gather his supplies and clean my skin.

Grayson nodded excitedly and I chuckled.

"I chose the moon because I love the night, it's when all the best and worst thoughts come into my head."

"It's also when I get to hold you" I scrunched up my nose, which made Grayson giggle.

I winced in pain as the needle poked through my flesh and Grayson seemed to notice.

His eyes went wide and a panicked expression overcame his face.

"No stop! You're hurting MY Ethan!" He yelled at the artist and I told him I was fine and that it only felt like a little fish biting me.

He nodded slowly and calmed down.

"It's all worth it in the end, Grayson"


I really like this book, it's really simple to write but it's super cute and fun!! Hope you like it.BYE!!♡♡

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