Day 5

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Law: *muttering curses*

Me: Chill. He only painted my nails.

Law: *muttering*

Me: As much as this is adorable, he only did my nails... Chill... It's not like we were having-


Its the fift day, two days and soon sleep as you lay down in pain.

You were still getting piggy back rides. Wich is weird, untill you noticed it lets the rest of the crew see your thongs. Damn you Traf- Tralf- Traf-a-thing.

Well, now isntead of an excuse to politely make you his bitch, he just does it at once. Your still wearing the collar by the way.

He stopped inside his room locking the door as he took his shirt and pants off, the shoes werent mentioned he still has dignity, dont worry.

"Remember the day all of this started? Well maid i had already planned this all, so were trying out some new outfits and toys." He smirked handing you a bag.

"Lets try this one on first." He said as you pulled out the piece of? Wait... How doed thsi work? You thought to yourself very confused at this piece of rag with many cuts.

Once you finally found out how to wear it, well, it was a really tight dress, with little cuts all over showing off all of the curves.

"Hm... Im already saving this one for some other nights." He smirked cheking it out on you. He nodded for the next one.

This one was atleast possible to find the way it works. It was a sexy nurse outfit overcutring the boobs showing about all of it and too tight and short like thel last one.

"I could make this one your official uniform." He smirked, nodding for the next one.

You dressed in the little onesie swimsuit like outift. It has the same countour for a little operation, but with sexual markings like circles around the boobs "squeeze here" written, or down at the pussy "insert member here."

"Hm this one looks great on you, i should have you tell me where to touch wen you wear it." He smirks. Nodding for the last one.

You put it on, it was black with gray spots, with little fluffs and a tail, it was a cute little cat, if it werent sexualized, it even had cute little ears to go with it.

"You look adorable and sexy maid. But tonight were going with your birth oufit. And keep the collar." He said. You stripped and just standed there.

"Lay down on our bed." He ordered, you layed down on the bed.

He handed you a blindfold wich you of course, put on, suddenly your nipples felt vibrant.

"Hm, lets see how this one goes." He smirked. They had created fucking vibrators for your nipples. Why...

After some moaning, you somehow cummed just by nipples.

"Already? And were just getting started..." He said as many vibrants all over down there started making you moan.

After many vibrators for every imaginable place, it finally ended.

"Now maid, theres a personal one i would like to try, now this on is a little different." He smirked as he slid inside you, he started pumping as it vibrated, oh... That was unexpected...

You moaned at the pleasure.

"This round no moans allowed my little maid."

*cinema sins histerical laugh* Good luck.

That didint last long, and he didnt really want that either.

You didnt feel like doing this today, so you just moaned.

"Disobedient today, arent you?" He asked. You moaned in response. He smirked, he loves it wen your like this.

He started kissing you deeply as your hands went through his hair. After a while of all this heating he changed to a different one.

After trying out all of the weird stuff people ever thought of, you just went back to usual sexy time with Doctor Law.

"Its time for another checkup. Tell your Doctor were it hurts." He said still on top of you. You just stayed quiet and crossed your arms.

"I dont feel like doing this. Ill be on my way." You said rooling to the floor, but then remembering youve had 4 days of direct sex. You cant go anywhere.

"Its a shame you still think you have a choice. You lose you become my slave." He smirked from the bed as you were still laying down on the floor.

He picked you up and layed you back down with a smirk. He grabbed some of your hair and kissed it.

"Maybe you should take a shower. Afterall, the floor isnt the cleanest place to be." He smirked carrying you to the bathroom.

Laying you down in the tub and starting to fill it up he grabbed the soap. He started going around actually cleaning you, then he sucked your neck as he soaped your tits, giving them the ocassional squeeze.

After giving himself a quick scrub he washed your hair, surprisingly he was good at this (Picture Law just carefully washing his hair to get the massage right).

After the nice treatment, he slid himself inside you, you wrapped your legs around him along with your arms around his neck as you both went in to the kiss.

"Hm, my maid decided to play along, i guess you just cant stand being a slut." He smirked, you sighed.

"No master. I truly cant stand to be without you." You said as he started another kiss, letting himself just sit inside you for a while. Then went back to thrusting.

After a while you felt yourself get closer to climax.

"Master i might- nevermind. It hapenned." You said laying your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes, but you shot them open wen you felt the hot seed shot in to you.

"Maid ill go easy on you this time, because the next time were going hardcore." He said as he finished rinsing the soap and shampoo out of the both of you.

To be continued/ end of day 5....


Me: Are you still angry?

Law: Not really.

Me: *hanging off a building by a rope tied to my foot*

Me: Can you save me?

Law: *rolls eyes* fine...

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