Chapter One

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Mason was sitting on the ground next to Will in the basement. Will had been sick all week and Mason could only come down to see him once or twice a day without it being suspicious. "MASSSSSOOOOOOOON DIPPER GLEEEEFFULLLL" Mabel calls from upstairs "WE HAVE TO PRACTICE OR FORD WILL HAVE OUR HEADS" She walked around the upstairs in a fuss, you could tell because of the way her footsteps echo'd threw the celling and dust came down as she walked over where they're currently located. Mason was worried about Will, he seemed to only be getting sicker and the dust coming down from the celling all the time wasn't helping. Mason wasn't always this nice to Will he admits but, he just loved the blue demon a lot more than he expected.

"William?" Mason says as kind as possible. "You're going to sleep in my room...The dust down here isn't making you any better" Mason looked around, the poor guy. First, making a deal that made William become the family slave. Second, making him live in such saddening conditions. Third, falling in love with him and practically forcing him to be in relationship with you

"u-uh okay...if you w-want...I-i don't think I-i-i can stand Mason I-i-i mean M-master" William was always on edge. Even if he and Mason Gleeful: one of the magicians at the Tent of Telepathy, were in a romantic relationship. Thou, you are the family slave. You didn't want to fall for the sixteen year old because, you feared it'd be a abusive relationship. Mason was rather sweet to you when you guys are alone. Its a bit different when you're around people but, at the end of the day it was the only slice of happiness you have.

"Don't be can call me Mason or Dipper, were not around Ford or Mabel..." He heard a voice call his name walking down the basment stairs "Mabel...shit..FUCK!" he screamed kicking a wall. How could he have been so stupid to come down here during practice? Mason's temper got the best of him this time and it made William curl into a ball.

Mabel walked in "Hello Brother, hanging with your little boyfriend?" Everyone in the house knew about Dipper and Will's relationship. It wasn't like it effected much even though, Mason is expected to still be mean and vile towards him if he screws up. He wasn't mearly a horrid as he used to be.

"Will is Sick, Mabel I was just going to bring him to my room... then i'll practice with you tomorrow...okay its nearly One A.M" Mason sighed tripping on part of his cape causing him to fall to the ground. This always happened, its not his fault his cape could go halfway across the room. He wasn't allowed to wear comfortable clothes because, acording to Ford, they make you look poor and no Gleeful would ever look poor or fight Ford on his opinion. So, Mason was confined to a dress shirt, vest, skinny jeans and to top it all off a cape that was way to long.

"Okay, Okay're going to let William, William Cipher sleep in your bed because hes just a tiny bit sick?" Mabel laughs a little.

Mason says "Hes really sick! He's been shaking, coughing, and throwing up all day it seems. I've only been down here for like ten minutes because, we both know how Ford feels about me actually caring for Will." He bit his lip, he looked at Will and picked him up bridal style. "Now if you don't mind, I have to bring William to my room so he can rest in peace without dust and small pieces of debris falling on him down here"

Mason walked upstairs with Will in his arms carefully making sure not to trip on his cape. They made it safely and Mason got him some Pijamas so he wouldn't have to sleep in dress clothes. Mason had to use magic to make them Will's size. His eyes glowed a electric blue and then it was done. He handed them to Will who got changed with Magic, it was easier than getting up and he also changed the color of them to a light blue because, dark purple/navy blue wasn't his color.

Mabel stood in the doorway "Ford is going to freak out, William shouldn't be in here. You know Will and Ford have some past relationship things and he is very disapproving of you guys and now hes sleeping in your bed?! I hope he ties you to a wheel, spins you on it and throws daggers at you because, showing the world you have a weakness won't be okay for Ford, He'll get mad and I don't want to be in the middle of him yelling at you...thou, it'd be funny to watch."

Mason laughed taking off his cape and hanging it in his closet. "He didn't seem to care when he found out about one of our affairs. So I highly doubt that he will care that me and William Cipher, my first love are just going to be sleeping and i'll be making sure Will gets better, There won't be any funny buisness. Nor, do I care about Fords opinion on this."

Ford was behind Mabel in the doorway "Mabel Gleeful out of Masons room, Mason come talk to me in the morning and bring William since, you don't care about my opinion on this." He went to leave but, once Mabel hadn't left he pulled her out of the doorway by her hair and pushed her on the ground before walking away with a simple "Goodnight Mabel"

Mason continued changing his outfit into Pijamas. Usually he just slept in boxers but, it was fairly cold out tonight so he just put on pijama pants that he had gotten from The Gift shop thats inside of the Tent of Telepathy. They had the Gleeful star all over them and he threw on a white shirt, It would have to work. He walked over his bed and laid next to William

"Will you be okay enough to go see Ford with me in the morning?" He asks nicely.

"u-uh...y-yes...I bel-lieve so Mason.." Will smiled as Mason wrapped his arms around him. "Night Mason"

"Goodnight Night, William" he said holding the smaller boy.

"I l-l-love you..." he says before he coughs.

"mhmm...." Mason says not ready to return the words.

Then they slept peacefully the whole night with no problems until the morning came.

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