Chapter Two

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It all seemed to happen so fast. Mason back to his vile ways faster than you could say 'Gleeful'. When Will woke up that morning he was being dragged to Fords study and everytime Will remotely slowed down or complained Mason would hit him almost as if he was actually angry. Will knew he wasn't but, Mason had to do what he was brainwashed to do. Sure...he could break off his pact and leave but, The Gleeful's were the only family he had or ever did besides his idiot brothers in different dimensions. He was still sick which made him really dizzy and complaining. He got hit harder when he fell or complained so, he stayed quiet as possible and remained standing.

Once, Mason got to Ford's Office he felt bad for inflicting injury against his boyfriend but, he was used to it. He didn't know what love was or how to handle feelings. It just wasn't him. When, he had walked in to his Great-Uncles office he was timid still practically dragging Will.

".....Ford?" Mason said without the least bit of confidence. "You said you wanted to see Will and I...remember?"
Mason almost laughed sarcastically until a figure appeared from the shadows.

"Mason, William...take a seat" The figure stated as he walked into the light. Ford pines, cape and all in the flesh was standing before them in a non-enthusiastic manner.

Magic seemed to make Mason and William float to the couch. William was dizzy he collapsed onto the couch almost passing out until...

Mason was clearly worried about him. He fell next to Will and he took off his cape and put it on Will as if it was a blanket.

Ford rolled his eyes "Mason, as everyone in this house-hold knows about your little...issue...I would HAVE NEVER EXPECT YOU TO SHOW WEAKNESS...ESPECIALLY FOR THIS PIECE OF TRASH" Ford hit Mason with the blade of a pocket knife across the face.

Will suddenly understood, he understood how he got brainwashed into thinking hurting and kiling was okay. Mason was hurting, It was all so clear and it showed in Mason's every move.

Mason put on a smirk and chuckled "Really old man? Thats the-"

Will spoke up "M-m-mason st-top,
S-Sixer isn't worth it...okay? trust
m-me...I've d-delt with h-h-him for years...' He wasn't looking to good. He grabbed Masons hand after he wiped the blood away from spot the blade hit Mason's skin.

Mason looked at his hand. He blushed extremely hard before pulling his hand away. "Will...Stop..."

Will groaned and got up off the couch trembling, He walked over to Ford "Sixer....L-let Maso-on go...P-please...S-stop treating him s-so badly"

Ford lifted Will's chin up ever so slightly, He was being kind about it.

"Why do you care about him?" Ford asked question clearly directed to Mason even though his eyes didn't leave Will.

"Cause, I don't...mean I don't....I'm not sure what I feel...I know I deeply care about him...I just...." He was breaking. You could tell it in his voice, there was no confidence or a need to be strong. He was losing it when he was supposed to be keeping his mask on the most.

Will looked down "Sixer...He's...n-not good w-w-with...feelings...or uhm
...t-that stuff in g-general" Will played with his hands.

Ford nods "Mason, Is not allowed to show feelings William. He doesn't need feelings when, no one would ever love him"

Will fell down in tears "b-but I-i-i love hi-im F-fordsy. J-just because y-you went b-b-bitter when we b-broke up. D-doesn't mean M-mason has to b-be because of h-how you act....P-please don't p-punish me or h-him" he was shaking.

Ford kicked Will "Quiet! You!" He pointed at Will "You are going back to where you came from!" He made a Portal that lead directly to where Will was from, the Nightmare Realm.

"P-please don't m-m-make me go back!  M-my brothers w-won't be happy to s-see me" He was shaking vigourasly.

Masons head perked up a little "You have brothers?" He kinda smiled at the thought of Will having some sorta family.

"Well....D-d-demons don't have brothers....we just k-k-kinda call each other that because, we m-mostly show  as guys. I-i mean we can be girls if we want but, we mostly just choose to be g-g-guys....since de-emons have no gen-nder...this sounds kinda con-nfusing p-p-probably" He was backing away from the Portal.

Mason pulled Will back and disappeared into a mist of smoke leaving Ford in awe that Mason would defy him and boy, he was really going to get it...

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